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Rudolph, Ulrich, Al-Māturīdī and the Development of Sunnī Theology in Samarqand, Leiden, Brill, 2014, 290p.

Ulrich Rudolph, University of Zurich, translated by Rodrigo Adem, University of Chicago Al-Māturīdī (d. 944 CE), the prominent Hanafi scholar from Samarqand, succeeded in formulating a theological doctrine which is widely accepted in Sunni Islam to this day. The present volume which is a revised English translation of the German original published in 1997 examines his teachings by describing their principal characteristics and situating them in the history of kalām. Part one investigates the development of Hanafi thought in Transoxania before Māturīdī’s time. Part […]

Sijpesteijn, Petra & Schuber, Alexander T. (dir.), Documents and the History of the Early Islamic World. 3rd Conference of the International Society for Arabic Papyrology, Alexandria, 23-26 March 2006, Leiden, Brill, 2014, 250p.

edited by Alexander T. Schubert and Petra M. Sijpesteijn, Leiden University Historians have long lamented the lack of contemporary documentary sources for the Islamic middle ages and the inhibiting effect this has had on our understanding of this critically important period. Although the field is richly served by surviving evidence, much of it is hard to locate, difficult to access, and philologically intractable. Presenting a mixture of historical studies and new editions of Greek, Arabic and Coptic material from the seventh to the fifteenth […]

Husseini, Sara Leïla, Early Christian-Muslim Debate on the Unity of God Three Christian Scholars and Their Engagement with Islamic Thought (9th Century C.E.), Leiden, Brill, 2014, 242p.

Sara Leila Husseini Early Christian-Muslim Debate on the Unity of God examines the writings of three of the earliest known Christian theologians to write comprehensive theological works in Arabic. Theodore Abū Qurra, Abū Rā’iṭa and ‘Ammār al-Baṣrī provide valuable insight into early Christian-Muslim debate shortly after the rise of the Islamic empire. Through close examination of their writings on the doctrine of the Trinity, Sara Husseini demonstrates the creativity of these theologians, who make use of language, style and argumentation characteristic of Islamic theological […]

Gómez-Rivas, Camilo, Law and the Islamization of Morocco under the Almoravids. The Fatwās of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd to the Far Maghrib, Leiden, Brill, 2014, 207p.

Camilo Gómez-Rivas, University of California, Santa Cruz Law and the Islamization of Morocco under the Almoravids. The Fatwās of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd to the Far Maghrib investigates the development of legal institutions in the Far Maghrib during its unification with al-Andalus under the Almoravids (434-530/1042-1147). A major contribution to our understanding of the twelfth-century Maghrib and the foundational role played by the Almoravids, it posits that political unification occurred alongside urban transformation and argues that legal institutions developed in response to the social needs […]

Voguet, Elise, Le Monde rural du Maghreb central (XIVe-XVe siècles). Réalités sociales et constructions juridiques d’après les Nawāzil Māzūna, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, coll. “Bibliothèque historique des pays d’Islam”, 2014.

Le monde rural du Maghreb central (XIVe-XVe siècles) Réalités sociales et constructions juridiques d’après les Nawāzil Māzūna Élise Voguet Description Pour pallier le manque d’archives, les historiens travaillant sur le Maghreb médiéval ont notamment interrogé les recueils de fatwas (nawâzil, jurisprudences, « cas d’espèces ») mâlikites, aujourd’hui envisagés comme une confrontation dialectique de points de vue : celui des juristes qui tentent de résoudre des conflits par des règles en accord avec le droit et celui des communautés dont ils cherchent à règlementer les pratiques. […]

Tixier du Mesnil, Emmanuelle, Géographes d’Al-Andalus. De l’inventaire d’un territoire à la construction d’une mémoire, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, coll. “Bibliothèque historique des pays d’Islam “, 2014, 464p.

Géographes d’Al-Andalus De l’inventaire d’un territoire à la construction d’une mémoire Emmanuelle TIXIER DU MESNIL Description L’Espagne, comme la Sicile, est l’une des rares terres perdues par l’Islam. Al-Andalus s’est effectivement rétractée comme une peau de chagrin durant les huit siècles que dura son existence, depuis l’arrivée des conquérants arabo-musulmans au début du VIIIe siècle jusqu’à la chute de Grenade entre les mains des rois catholiques à la fin du XVe siècle. L’auteur a voulu interroger la littérature géographique de langue arabe, afin de […]

Meouak, Mohamed & de la Puente, Cristina (dir.), Vivir de tal suerte. Homenaje a Juan Antonio Souto Lasala, Cordoue, Cordoba Near Eastern Research Unit, 2014, 425p.

Vivir de tal suerte. Homenaje a Juan Antonio Souto Lasala Mohamed Meouak, Cristina de la Puente (editores) Córdoba: Cordoba Near Eastern Research Unit – Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – Oriens Academic, 2014, IX + 425 pages [ISBN: 978-84-695-9538-1; Depósito legal: CO-73-2014].   – SUMARIO – MEOUAK (Mohamed) y DE LA PUENTE (Cristina), Juan Antonio Souto Lasala (Caracas, 1959-Córdoba, 2011) ABUMALHAM (Montserrat), La concepción del espacio en árabe AGUADÉ (Jordi), Apuntes de medicina popular en Marruecos: el jerife que cura el asma AGUIAR […]

Rapoport, Yossef, Savage-Smith, Emilie, An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe (The Book of Curiosities), Leiden, Brill, 2013, 796p.

An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe The Book of Curiosities, Edited with an Annotated Translation Yossef Rapoport, Queen Mary University of London, and Emilie Savage-Smith, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford Acquired by the Bodleian Library in 2002, the Book of Curiosities is now recognized as one of the most important discoveries in the history of cartography in recent decades. This eleventh-century Arabic treatise, composed in Egypt under the Fatimid caliphs, is a detailed account of the heavens and the Earth, illustrated by an unparalleled series of maps and […]

Amitai, Reuven, Holy War and Rapprochement: Studies in the Relations between the Mamluk Sultanate and the Mongol Ilkhanate (1260-1335), Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, 149p.

Reuven AMITAI Holy War and Rapprochement: Studies in the Relations between the Mamluk Sultanate and the Mongol Ilkhanate (1260-1335) 149 p., ISBN: 978-2-503-53152-6   This book argues that the relations between the Mamluk Sultanate of Syria and Egypt and the Ilkhanate, the Mongol state in Iran and the surrounding countries, were of a military, political-diplomatic, social and cultural nature. The sixty year struggle (1260-1320) between the Mamluk Sultanate of Syria and Egypt and the Ilkhanate, the Mongol realm in Iran and the surrounding countries, […]

Appel à articles : Nouvelle revue “Dirāsāt Hispānicas” — LIMITE : non précisée

Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Revista Tunecina de Estudios Hispánicos Présentation Dirāsāt Hispānicas es una revista científica editada por el Instituto Superior de Ciencias Humanas de Túnez de la Universidad El Manar (e-ISSN: 2286-5977). Revista electrónica en acceso abierto, Dirāsāt Hispānicas es un espacio de estudio, debate y reflexión que abarca las áreas geográficas de España, Magreb y América Latina. Con vistas a promover el diálogo multidisciplinar desde una perspectiva hispánica, sus páginas están abiertas a trabajos de historia, lengua y literatura, redactados en español, en francés […]

Martínez Gázquez, José, Tolan, John Victor (dir.), Ritus infidelium. Miradas interconfesionales sobre las prácticas religiosas en la Edad Media, Madrid, Casa Velazquez, 2013, 334p.

Ritus infidelium Miradas interconfesionales sobre las prácticas religiosas en la Edad Media José Martínez Gázquez, John Victor Tolan (éd.) Informations pratiques: 33 €   (livre papier/livre électronique) 2013 ISBN 9788496820944 334 p. 17 x 14 cms. Broché Collection de la Casa de Velázquez no 138 Présentation: Si los especialistas de la historia de las ideas y de la historia social se han interesado en la percepción del «otro» religioso, pocos son los estudios que han examinado esta cuestión en la Edad Media. Esta obra ofrece una nueva perspectiva de las relaciones interreligiosas a […]

Abbès Zouache et Danièle Sansy (dir.), “Temporalités de l’Égypte”, Médiévales, n°64, printemps 2013

Temporalités de l’Égypte Sous la direction de Abbès Zouache et Danièle Sansy Sommaire: Abbès Zouache Ruptures, transitions, continuités dans l’histoire de l’Égypte médiévale Mathieu Tillier Du pagarque au cadi : ruptures et continuités dans l’administration judi­ciaire de la Haute-Égypte (ier-iiie/viie-ixe siècle) Sobhi Bouderbala Les aḥbās de Fusṭāṭ aux deux premiers siècles de l’Hégire : entre pratiques socio-économiques et normalisation juridique Abbès Zouache Une culture en partage : la furūsiyya à l’épreuve du temps Jean-Claude Garcin Le passage des anciennes à de nouvelles Mille et Une Nuits au […]

F. Leoni, M. Natif (eds.), Eros and Sexuality in Islamic Art, Ashgate, 2013

Eros and Sexuality in Islamic Art Edited by Francesca Leoni (Ashmolean Museum, UK) and Mika Natif (Harvard Art Museum, USA) Dedicated to the topics of eroticism and sexuality in the visual production of the medieval and early modern Muslim world, this volume sheds light on the diverse socio-cultural milieus of erotic images, on the range of motivations that determined their production, and on the responses generated by their circulation. The articles revise what has been accepted as a truism in existing literature-that erotic motifs […]

Visual Histories of Islamic Cultures

Launch of Visual Histories of Islamic Cultures, a new monograph series for Islamic art and architecture. The series will be published by the well respected German publisher de Gruyter, and co-edited by Avinoam Shalem and Finbarr Barry Flood. The editors will be assisted by an advisory board comprised of international scholars in the relevant fields. Visual Histories of Islamic Cultures is the first professional academic book series devoted to the art, architecture and material culture of the Islamic world that approaches cultural production as […]

Luis A. Garcia Moreno, España 702-719. La conquista musulmana, Séville, Universidad de Sevilla, 2013

España 702-719. La conquista musulmana Luis A. García Moreno Universidad de Sevilla ISBN: 9788447214693 Serie: Historia y Geografía Nº Edición: 1 Año de Edición: 2013 Páginas: 554 Tamaño: 170 x 240 Formato: Tapa dura Precio: 38,00 € España 702-719. La conquista musulmana estudia los últimos años de existencia del hispánico Reino godo: desde la muerte de Egica, en el año 702, hasta el final del último monarca conocido, Ardón. Especial atención se presta a la cronografía y a la geografía, con particular referencia a […]