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Auteur : Conferences

Appel à communications : “Muslims and the Cultural Politics of the Permissible”, Global Halal International Conference, Michigan State University (Etats-Unis), 19-21/02/2014 — LIMITE : 01/11/2014

19-21 February 2015 – “Muslims and the Cultural Politics of the Permissible” Global Halal International Conference (East Lansing, MI). Global Halal is an international conference organized by the Muslim Studies Program at Michigan State University in…

Graduate Student Pre-Conference in Turkish and Turkic Studies, Washington (Etats-Unis), 22/11/2014  — LIMITE : 10/10/2014

22 November 2014 – “Graduate Student Pre-Conference” sponsored by the Institute of Turkish Studies and the American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages and held in conjunction with the MESA annual meeting (Washington, DC). The American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages (AATT) is pleased to announce the tenth annual “Graduate Student Pre-Conference in Turkish and Turkic Studies”. This Pre-Conference was established to mark the 20th anniversary of the founding of AATT. The Pre-Conference is co-sponsored by the Institute for Turkish Studies and AATT. The tenth annual Pre-Conference will take place on November 22, 2014, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), taking place in Washington D.C. November 22-25, 2014. Pre-Conference participants are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to attend the MESA conference. The Pre-Conference is designed to encourage research making significant use of sources in Turkish and Turkic languages by graduate students in Turkish and Turkic Studies enrolled at institutions in North America. It will promote contact between students at various institutions and  allow for feedback from faculty discussants participating in the Pre-Conference. Another goal is to help students progress towards more formal presentations at national conferences such as those of MESA, CESS, and organizations devoted to specific disciplines. AATT will award a limited number of travel awards to help subvent the cost of student participation.
Students are also encouraged to seek funding from their home institutions.

Students should submit 250-word proposal for a paper together with the following information:

1. Name
2. Current institutional affiliation (department/university)
3. Adviser’s name
4. Educational background (undergraduate and graduate degree programs)
5. Current status (taking courses, preparing for exams, researching dissertation, writing dissertation, defended/deposited dissertation)
6. Title of dissertation (if applicable)
7. Contact information (email, telephone number, preferred mailing address)

The deadline for submission of proposals is October 1, 2014.

Graduate students already presenting a paper at the larger meeting (MESA or CESS) are not eligible to participate concurrently in the Graduate Student Pre-Conference in Turkish and Turkic Studies.

Unfortunately AATT cannot consider requests for travel support for graduate students enrolled at institutions outside North America.

Proposals should be submitted by email to:

Professor Uli Schamiloglu

Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia

University of Wisconsin-Madison


Professor Erika H. Gilson

Department of Near Eastern Studies

Princeton University

Applicants will be informed of the selection committee’s decision by October 10, 2014.

18-21 February 2015 – “Global IR and Regional Worlds: A New Agenda for International Studies,” International Studies Association 56th Annual Convention (New Orleans, LA). For further details, see

Co-IRIS (International Relations and Islamic Studies Research Cohort) is planning to submit two proposals, one or more traditional panels (number of panels depend on the papers received by the Co-IRIS team) and one workshop (aiming for financial support by ISA). Our panel title is International Relations and Islamic Studies: A New Agenda and our workshop title is Co-IRIS: Islamic Perspectives on Theory and Praxis in International Relations.”

Co-IRIS was established by a group of researchers interested in developing and sustaining a body of knowledge that addresses the theories and practices of the Muslim civilization and of Muslim societies with regards to international affairs and to the discipline of International Relations. For more details about Co-IRIS, please visit our website at We are taking ISA’s theme as an opportunity to make the case of presenting Islamic ontology, episteme, methods, paradigms, and history for the study of International Relations and global affairs and for discussing the experiences and praxis of Muslim-dominated actors (nations and organizations) and their interactions and behaviors among themselves and with non-Muslim dominated actors in the fora of international affairs regardless of time period.

A list of welcome themes/topics includes:

– Islam as a theory of IR?

– Islamic norms and values in IR

– Islamic agencies and actors of IR

– Islamic sources in International Law

– Plurality and Solidarity in Muslim Societies

– Deciphering theories of IR with Islamic episteme

– Social Movements, Democratization, and the Arab Spring

– Is there an Islamic Nation-State? Or Islam is a civilizational state?

– Islamic thinkers, e.g. al-Qaradawi, Khaldun or Qutb, and their thoughts on IR

– Comparing the Islamic ‘ummah’ with the ‘international society’ of the English School of IR

If you want to add more, you are welcome to suggest themes or topics relevant to Co-IRIS. Also, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have ideas, comments, or opinions about Co-IRIS. Please email us your (200-300 word) abstract and (100 word) biographical information by May 26, 2014 for traditional panels, and by July 11, 2014 for the workshop at We are looking forward to receiving your proposals.

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10th Islamic Manuscript Conference “Gulf-Africa Relations : Past and Present Trends” — University of Cambridge, 31/08-02/09/2014 — LIMITE : 13/07/2014

– Gulf-Africa Relations: Past and Present Trends (sponsored by SFS-Q).

31 August-2 September 2014 – The Tenth Islamic Manuscript Conference: Manuscripts and Conflict Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Islamic Manuscript Association (Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, UK). (With a Special Additional Programme on 3 September 2014, including a Workshop on Disaster Planning for Islamic Manuscript Collections.) The conference programme has now been published online. Poster Presentations Students and other interested persons are encouraged to submit posters about their work with Islamic manuscript collections for presentation at the conference. More information about this can be found at: The Tenth Islamic Manuscript Conference will be an occasion to reflect on progress in conservation, preservation, cataloguing, digitisation and research relating to Islamic manuscripts and manuscript collections during the decade since the founding of the Association, and to look ahead to anticipated developments in these fields over the next ten years. The conference’s special theme “Manuscripts and Conflict” will also constitute a timely opportunity to consider the above subject areas within the intensifying contexts of acute social and political instability or military conflict. Invited keynote speakers, round table sessions, poster presentations and workshops will promote active participation in a cutting-edge discussion of these subjects. The programme in Arabic and further information about registration will be available soon.

9-10 October 2014 – “Iran in the World: Old Challenges and New Opportunities in the Changing Middle East (Melbourne, Australia). The Middle East has undergone significant change in the past two decades, with a number of new challenges emerging. Iran, as a key player in the Middle East, has not been shielded from these changes. Indeed, the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan brought US troops onto Iran’s doorstep, the Arab revolutions have undermined Iran’s ally in Syria, and the growing sectarian tension between Sunni and Shia communities has presented difficult questions for Iranian policy makers. All of this has taken place against a new international setting, where Iran is now seeking relief from sanctions and a resolution to the disagreement over its nuclear program. Given the complexity of these challenges, it is important to explore the road ahead. What options are open to the government of President Hassan Rouhani? How is Iran planning to address these challenges? Invited speakers include Professor Amin Saikal (ANU), Ambassador Mohammad Farazmand (former-Iranian Ambassador to Bahrain, Institute for Political and International Studies), Dr. Mostafa Zahrani (Institute for Political and International Studies, Tehran)  Ms. Ziba Farzinnia (Institute for Political and International Studies, Tehran), Dr. Naser Ghobazadeh (ACU) and Mr. Brenton Clark (ANU). The organising committee welcomes the submission of abstracts that look at external pressures on Iran and how the Iranian leadership is responding to these pressures. Papers on Iranian foreign policy formulation, the range of options open to policy makers, and the trajectory of change in foreign policy direction are most encouraged. Please submit a 200 word abstract and short bio to Dara Conduit ( the 13th of July, 2014. For more information, please go to:

6-7 November 2014 – “Remembering Jerusalem: Imagination, Memory, and the City (King’s College, London). Organised by the AHRC-Funded Research Network ‘Imagining Jerusalem, 1099 to the Present Day’ Keynote speakers: Professor Anthony Bale (Birkbeck), Professor Eyal Weizman (Goldsmiths). Perhaps the world’s most iconic city, Jerusalem exists both as a physical space and as a site of memory, ideas, and re-memberings. In art, literature, film, and history writing; in acts of public and private worship; and in communities across the globe, memories of Jerusalem have, for centuries, been created, invoked, and relived. This cross-period, interdisciplinary conference invites paper and panel submissions on the theme of Jerusalem and Memory, c. 1099 to the Present Day. Topics may include, but need not be limited to:
– techniques of memorialisation / techniques of memory
– place, space, and memory
– souvenirs, mementoes, and memory aids
– the materiality (or immateriality) of memory
– memory and sensation
– memory, land and environment
– memory and warfare
– memory and governance
– forgetting, false memory, and fictional remembering
– narrative and memory
– memory and the archive
– national, local, and transnational memories

– memory and community

– ethnography as remembering

– ritual, repetition, and performance

– sacred and secular memory

The organisers are particularly keen to receive panel submissions which address a shared theme across more than one discipline and/or historical period.

Abstracts of c. 300 words for single papers and c. 1000 words for panels consisting of three papers should be sent to 1st July 2014. For more details or inquiries, please contact the same address or visit the Network website:
This conference is organised by the lead members of the Network: Dr Anna Bernard (KCL), Dr Michele Campopiano (York), Dr Helen Smith (York), Dr Jim Watt (York), and the Network Coordinator, Hannah Boast (York).

20-21 November 2014 – “Border, Mobility and Diversity: Old Questions, New Challenges,” MiReKoc 10th Year Symposium (Istanbul). The international migration symposium titled “Border, Mobility and Diversity: Old Questions, New Challenges” will take an inter-disciplinary approach to draw on the past and current state of migration studies and to determine a vision and direction for its future. It is aimed to bring together a wide range of scholars, researchers, policy makers and organizations to discuss various aspects of migration studies. Three main themes of the symposium are determined as:

Borders and Border Regimes

Borders are being defined and redefined in this global age, reflecting on the patterns and dynamics of migration. Many states today are adopting policies to facilitate the mobility of certain populations in their territories, while implementing strict border and visa regimes to regulate or restrict the movement of others. Under the current conditions, the issues of borders and irregular migration emerge as new challenges to the growing “management” rhetoric in the debate over immigration and asylum policies.

Migration and Mobility: Conceptualizing the Movement of Persons – Technological innovations in transportation and communications facilitate the potential for international migration around the world. As the movement of persons across borders increased, accelerated and diversified based on structural factors and/or individual motives, scholars began questioning the convenience of the concept of migration as a way of capturing different patterns and categories. In the current age new concepts, such as mobility have risen to prominence to better illustrate the fluidity of movements across geographies.

Diversity and Integration – Over the past decades, the concepts of diversity and integration have served as prominent research lenses through which to elaborate the consequences of migration for the local, national and international settings. These two concepts are essential for analysis, development and evaluation of migration and refugee policies. Within this context the following questions are crucial: How will policy makers maintain diversity while developing policies to integrate incoming migrants? Is it possible to move beyond the zero-sum approach on diversity and integration?

The discussions will be based on these three main themes, touching upon a wide range of topics in the field of migration studies. The conference will be hosted by Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc) in Istanbul, on the occasion of its 10th year anniversary in the field of migration research. Established in August 2004, MiReKoc provides an institutionalized hub for migration research in Turkey, encompassing domestic, regional and global facets of migration. The two-day conference will include five roundtable sessions on migration theory, migration research, migration policy, the Turkish migration regime and migration research centers with prominent guest speakers. Moreover, a call for papers (CfP) is open to all scholars, researchers and graduate students, from various disciplines including political science, international relations, economics, sociology, anthropology, history and demography who are interested in presenting their cutting-edge research on: borders and border regimes; migration and mobility; diversity and integration

Abstract Submission
People interested in presenting a paper are invited to send their applications to before the due date of abstract submission. The applications should include: presentation title, abstract (of no more than 300 words), 3-4 keywords, home institution and affiliated department(s) and co-authors (if applicable). Decisions will be communicated by July 15, 2014 and submission of full papers is expected by October 31, 2014. Guidelines for full papers will be announced with the acceptance notifications. A selection of papers from the conference will be published by a reputable international publisher and will be considered for a special issue in a scholarly journal.

Abstracts Due: June 16, 2014

Acceptance Notifications: July 15, 2014

Final Paper Submission Due: October 31, 2014

For further information please visit the web page and/or send email to

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Appel à panels et communications : Fifteenth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) Conference, New York City — LIMITE : 31/03/2014

18-19 April – “Possibilities with Jane Guyer” Graduate Student Conference in Anthropology at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD). The graduate students at the Department of Anthropology have dedicated this year’s conference as a celebration of and tribute to Professor Jane Guyer, who has been a dynamic force in the intellectual life at Johns Hopkins University and beyond. Though Professor Guyer is not set to retire until Summer 2015, this year’s conference will be the last of which she will participate as a full-time faculty member. Please join us, along with our guest speaker, Professor Janet Roitman of the Department of Anthropology at the New School for Social Research, in celebrating her work and showing our gratitude for the crucial role she has played in the academic and professional vibrancy of our scholarly community. While much attention has been dedicated to charting out disciplinary shifts and turns within anthropology, the notion of possibility, as Jane Guyer suggests, remains a recurring yet largely unexplored center in the history of the field. For Guyer, whose distinguished career has been spent studying local strategies for managing market volatilities in post-colonial Africa, a robust anthropological engagement with possibility entails “an ethical stance, demanding courage; it is an aesthetic of coexistence, demanding discernment; it is a vision of politics, demanding study and steadfastness” (2009: 363). Alongside Guyer, David Graeber takes possibility as a lens to the otherwise encountered in the field. Graeber finds anthropology’s persistent return to possibility to be a “constant reminder that most of what we assume as immutable has been, in other times and places, arranged quite differently, and therefore, that human possibilities are in almost every way greater than we imagine” (2007:1, see also Guyer 2009). The question of possibility is central to Janet Roitman’s recent work, which instigates an engagement with what the term “crisis” is productive of and the possibilities its mobilization creates, but also forecloses (2014; see also Mbembe and Roitman 1995). Whereas Roitman compels us to render visible the work that seemingly given concepts are doing, Guyer and Graeber see possibilities as enjoining disciplinary ethics and innovations to a concrete politics of futurity, threads that we hope to elaborate upon in our discussions at the conference. To that end, the students of the Department of Anthropology at Johns Hopkins invite colleagues across the social sciences and humanities to reflect on possibilities in their own (field)work, whether as concept, method, or mode of analysis. Moreover, this graduate conference hopes to explore how we, as a new generation of scholars, might articulate the notion of possibility through our work. Submission Guidelines: The conference will take place on Friday and Saturday, April 18 – 19, 2014 at the Johns Hopkins University. We encourage submissions from graduate students across disciplines.To apply, please submit an abstract (max. 500 words) to JHUgradconference@gmail.comby March 15, 2014. Submissions should include either a curriculum vitae or a listing of the following information: presenter’s name, program, year of study, research focus, and contact information. Additional details, including the full call for papers, can be found at

October 2014

23-26 October – Fifteenth Annual Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) Conference (New York City). The Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) invites panel and paper proposals for the Fifteenth Annual CESS Conference, October 23-26, 2014, in New York City. The event will be held at Columbia University, hosted by the Harriman Institute. Registration starts Thursday evening, October 23.  Panels begin Friday morning, October 24, and continue through mid-day on Sunday, October 26. Panel and paper topics relating to all aspects of humanities and social science scholarship on Central Eurasia are welcome. The geographic domain of Central Eurasia extends from the Black Sea and Iranian Plateau to Mongolia and Siberia, including the Caucasus, Crimea, Middle Volga, Afghanistan, Tibet, Xinjiang, and Centra! l and Inner Asia. Practitioners and scholars in all humanities and social science disciplines with an interest in Central Eurasia are encouraged to participate.
The program will feature approximately 70 panels. There will also be supplementary events and a keynote speaker. To submit a pre-organized panel or individual paper proposal, please login to the CESS Website at

Deadline for submission of panel/paper proposals: 31 March 2014. Notification of Acceptance: 1-10 May 2014. Preliminary Program Available: July 2014. Deadline for Pre-Registration: 18 August 2014. Conference Dates: 23-26 October 2014 OTHER DATES: Deadline for notification of audio-visual requests: 18 August 2014. Travel Arrangements & Visa in place by: 18 August 2014. Deadline for Last Cancellations: 18 August 2014 (No Fee Refund). Deadline for Paper Submission to Chairs & Discussants: 11 October 2014.

Travel & Accommodations

Information about Columbia University and the New York City, transportation options, maps, and lodging information will be available at the conference website. Please be sure to visit for detailed information.

All conference participants are responsible for making their own arrangements for travel and accommodations. CESS does not subsidize travel and accommodations for conference participants. Conference participants are urged to make local hotel reservations well in advance of the August 18th pre-registration deadline.

Further Information

The Chair of the Conference Committee is Dr. Ali İğmen (California State University, Long Beach Communications regarding local arrangements, including invitation letters, should be addressed to:

CESS 2014 Annual Conference

Harriman Institute

Columbia University

420 West 118th Street, 12th Floor


New York, NY 10027


Phone: +1/212-854-4623

Fax: +1/212-666-3481 (attention: CESS conference)


Communications about proposal submission, program matters, registration matters, the mailing list, and data updates should be sent to the CESS Secretariat.

Central Eurasian Studies Society

1011 E. 3rd St.

Goodbody Hall 101

Bloomington, In 47405 U.S.A.

Tel: +1/812-855-0959

Fax: +1/812-855-8667 (attention: CESS)

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Appel à communications : 7th Summer Institute, International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) , Herndon, Virginie (Etats-Unis), 16-21/06/2014  — LIMITE : 15/03/2014

16-21 June 2014 – International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) 7th Summer Institute for Scholars (Herndon, VA).The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) invites abstract submissions for its 7th Summer Institute for Scholars, which will be held between June 16 and June 21, 2014, at its headquarters in Herndon, Virginia, USA. The Summer Institute is an annual meeting dedicated to the study of contemporary approaches to Islamic thought, that brings together senior and young scholars in order to present papers and participate in panels and informal discussions focused on topics related to a particular theme. The theme of this year’s program is “Islamic Law and Ethics”. While the scope of Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) covers, broadly speaking, two areas of human-God (‘ibadat) and human-human (mu’amalat) relations, ethics (akhlaq) undergirds the entire value system of the shari’ah.  Throughout its history Islamic jurisprudence has been guided by the Shar’i normative system that has enabled jurists at different times to provide fresh rulings by engaging the ethical foundation of these norms and apply them to the changed circumstances of everyday life of Muslim societies.  The growing fatawa literature bears testimony to the ever expanding horizons of human needs to be guided by the spiritual and moral values embedded in Islamic revelation.  With the development of secular ethics that generally denies a role to religious ethics to guide moral life of the people today, scholars need to reexamine the fundamental aspects of Islamic ethics – both in theory and in application, and the ways in which Muslim jurists in the past have incorporated essentially ethical dimension of Islamic jurisprudence in their legal methodology.  Whether the jurists promote ijtihad al-’aqli (reason based investigation) or ijtihad al-shar’i (revealed text based investigation); or whether they support maqasid-based (objectives-based) ijtihad, they have, explicitly or implicitly, attended to the ethical values that are enshrined in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. This year’s theme, then, invites abstracts that investigate this critical relationship between legal and ethical dimensions of Islamic jurisprudence, by exploring the legal-ethical rationale (‘illa) and the objective circumstantial evidence (mawdu’), to establish the framework of Islamic moral thought and practice in the Shari’ah.  The academic objective of the program is to show with evidence scriptural ethics in Islamic religious thought that is operative in the new fields of problem resolution, touching the innovative fields of education in humanities and social sciences, as well as in applied sciences in the fields of medicine, engineering, business, environmental studies, and technology in general.

Topics for submissions for this Summer Institute may include:

  • Relationship between legal and ethical in the Islamic revelation;
  • The contours of legal-ethical methodology  (usul al-fiqh) in Islamic jurisprudence;
  • Moral/universal discourse of Maqasid methodology in Islamic jurisprudence;
  • Religious-Scriptural Ethics in Muslim Religious Thought;
  • Rational-Religious Ethics in Muslim Religious Thought;
  • Ethics of jurisprudence of Muslim minorities (fiqh al-aqalliyyat)
  • Applied ethics in Islamic Juridical Thought;
  • Social Justice and Islamic Legal/Ethical Order;
  • Case Studies of Applied Ethics in Various Fields (political and social ethics; biomedical ethics, environmental ethics, business ethics, ethics of technology, banking and finance).

Deadline for abstracts is March 15, 2014. Decisions will be made by late March. Final papers are due on May 15, 2014. Funding is contingent on full paper submission. Abstracts should not be longer than 500 words. Final paper should be at least 6,000 words, and not exceed 10,000 words. The Institute will convene on June 16, and will conclude on June 21, 2014. Participants should expect to arrive to Herndon, VA, on June 15 and depart on June 22. IIIT will publish selected papers in an edited volume, within one year after the Seminar. IIIT will cover travel cost (from continental US and Canada), will provide hotel accommodation for scholars with accepted papers, and will pay each scholar a per diem of $100 for participation. Inquiries and abstracts should be addressed to Ermin Sinanović, Director of Research and Academic Programs, via email

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Appel à communications : Colloque “Middle Eastern Bodies in Motion”, Université de Cambridge, Royaume-Uni, 07/06/2014 — LIMITE : 07/03/2014

NEH Summer Institutes
Tours/Cultural Excursions

7 June 2014-“Middle Eastern Bodies in Motion” (University of Cambridge, UK). The body — at rest and in movement, marked by the disciplines of society and scored with the traces of culture, performin…

Colloque : “New Visions for Refugee Education in the Middle East” — Beyrouth, Liban, 14-15/03/2014

Travel, Tours, Excursions
7 March 2104 – National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel “Special Relationship” (Washington, DC)
14-15 March 2014 – “New Visions for Refugee Education in the Middle East” (Beirut, Lebanon). This conference seeks to highligh…

CSID-Tunisia’s 3rd Annual Conference, “The Democratic Transition in Tunisia: Accomplishments & Challenges” — Tunis, Tunisie, 28-29/03/2014

28-29 March 2014 – “The Democratic Transition in Tunisia: Accomplishments & Challenges” – CSID-Tunisia’s 3rd Annual Conference (Tunis, Tunisia). CSID-Tunisia is pleased to announce that it will be holding its Third Annual Conference in Tunis, Tunisia on Friday and Saturday, March 28-29, 2014.  The main theme of this conference will be”The Democratic Transition in Tunisia: Accomplishments & Challenges.” Over 200-300 international experts, scholars, politicians, and democracy activists are expected to attend this international conference, from Tunisia and from outside Tunisia, to shed light on the main issues and challenges facing Tunisia and the rest of the post-revolutionary Arab Spring countries, and to discuss lessons learned from democratic transitions in other countries.  The conference will last two days, and registration is required.  Keynote invited speakers, and a more detailed program will be announced by the end of January.

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Appel à communication : colloque “Mapping Arabic Hertiage: Language, Literature and Culture”, 14-16/04/2014, American University of Sharjah (Emirats arabes unis) — LIMITE : 31/12/2013

14-16 April 2014 “Mapping Arabic Hertiage: Language, Literature and Culture, Past and Present” A joint AUS-BRISMES conference (American University of Sharjah, UAE). The Department of Arabic and Translation Studies (ATS) at the American University of Sharjah, with the support of the Center of Gulf Studies (CGS), and the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) invite submissions for paper presentations for this event which covers all areas related to Arabic heritage, including Arabic language and linguistics, literature, culture, translation and Islamic studies. Abstracts of original research in the following fields are welcomed:

  1. Theoretical and applied issues in Arabic language and linguistics, including linguistic analysis, Arabic language teaching, Arabic dialectology, and the history of Arabic and its contact with other languages.
  2. Arabic literature studies covering any period from pre-Islamic era to the present.
  3. Islamic studies and studies on the history and culture of Arab society in any time period.
  4. Theoretical and applied issues in Arabic translation and interpretation.

These topics should only be considered as general guidelines and are not exhaustive. Any paper dealing with Arabic in its linguistic, cultural, literary or translation context will be considered. Anonymous abstracts, not exceeding 300 words, should be sent by email before 31st December 2013 to, with the name and affiliation written in the body of the email. Notification of paper acceptance will be sent via email by end of January 2014. Each presentation will be allowed 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

Beyond the Colloquium
Participants will be asked to develop their papers further for inclusion in a peer-reviewed conference proceeding. It is intended that selected high-quality papers are to be published by BRISMES in a special issue under the title of the conference. The papers accepted can be presented in English or Arabic.


This conference will be hosted by the American University of Sharjah. Participants must register in order to take part in the conference. Early bird registration fee is $100, starting on 15th February 2014. Registration on the first day of the conference is $125. This includes refreshments and lunch throughout the conference days and cultural trips in Sharjah, in addition to the conference dinner on April 14th.

Please direct any inquiries to Dr. Imed Nsiri at or Dr. Mai Zaki at

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Colloque : “Self-Critique Two Decades after Aslo”, Ninth Annual Conference of the Palestine Society at the School of Oriental and African Studies — Londres, Royaume-Uni, 05-06/10/2013

05-06 October 2013 – “Self-Critique Two Decades after Aslo,” Ninth Annual Conference of the Palestine Society at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (London, UK). The Palestine Society at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London will hold its ninth annual conference, Self-Critique Two Decades After Oslo. Twenty years after the signing of the Oslo Accords, much continues to be written about the structural and subsequent failings of the Accords to achieve justice for the Palestinian people. While conventional views still regard Oslo as a winning formula that only suffered from a lack of implementation, critical analysis of the Oslo process agrees that the Accords only accelerated the Zionist settler colonial project, allowing Israel to lay siege and further expand its grip on Palestinian land, while expelling and destroying the lives of more Palestinians. This conference aims to move beyond this critical consensus and identify the internal failures prior to, and at the moment of, the conception of the Oslo accords, as well as in its aftermath. In doing so, we will attempt to understand how Oslo has transformed Palestinian life and struggle. The conference situates itself within a long history of self-criticism after defeat – a self-criticism aimed at assessing the strategic failures of the movement, and formulating the necessary steps ahead. This is a self-criticism premised on a commitment to the political rebuilding of the Palestinian liberation movement, and the struggle against settler colonialism.
In its embrace of self-criticism, the conference will focus on the ways Palestinian leadership and elites have become embedded in the logic of settler colonialism, embraced neoliberal capitalism, and reproduced social and political accommodation of the Oslo process. However, it also aims to widen our lens, and examine the growing socialisation and reproduction of Oslo logics in Palestinian political and social life, and the ways in which Palestinian resistance against Oslo and Israel, and international solidarity with that resistance, has reproduced the very conditions it seeks to overturn. In particular, we hope to highlight the context and consequences of the re-orientation of the liberation struggle into a legal and rights-based approach; the political, geographical, and social separation of the Palestinian body politic in movement discourse and strategy; the proliferation of an unaccountable “political solution/vision market” and unchecked practices of solidarity; and growing alienation and distancing of Palestinians from others engaged in similar struggles against settler-colonialism. With this conference, SOAS Palestine Society hopes to build on its long-standing commitment to critically rigorous movement thought and analysis in an emancipatory and committed space. Seats are limited. We encourage you to book in advance. For the conference programme, registration information and more, please visit the Conference Website

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