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Parution : Federico Stella and Roberto Tottoli (Eds), The Qur’an in Rome. Manuscripts, Translations, and the Study of Islam in Early Modern Catholicism, De Gruyter, 2024


The Qur’an in Rome
Manuscripts, Translations, and the Study of Islam in Early Modern Catholicism

Edited by: Federico Stella and Roberto Tottoli

Volume 4 in the series The European Qur’an





Despite its relevance to the subsequent development of Western Islamic studies, the intellectual contribution of early modern Catholicism is still an under-researched area. The aim of this volume is to fill this gap, offering a series of essays dealing with the study of the Qur’an and Arabic language in early modern Catholic Europe. Focusing on the circulation of manuscripts, translations and printed books, the essays highlight how Catholic Orientalism contributed to the birth and spread of Western Islamic studies, although sometimes it was still directed towards religious polemics. Among the protagonists of this period of Islamic studies, the volume will focus on Catholic priests, missionaries, religious orders (Jesuits, Franciscans, Carmelites) Eastern Christians, converts, and other prominent figures in the Catholic culture of the time. Special attention will be given to the work of Ludovico Marracci, author of a fundamental edition of the Arabic text and Latin translation of the Qur’an with an introduction, notes, refutations and religious and linguistic insights.

The volume is of interest to an audience of specialists and non-specialists interested both in Islamic and Qur’anic studies and in the history of modern Catholicism, missions, and Orientalism

Federico Stella and Roberto Tottoli, Università di Napoli L’Orientale, Naples, Italy.

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (27 février 2024). Parution : Federico Stella and Roberto Tottoli (Eds), The Qur’an in Rome. Manuscripts, Translations, and the Study of Islam in Early Modern Catholicism, De Gruyter, 2024. IISMM. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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