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Parution : Walter Feldman, Music of the Ottoman Court. Makam, Composition and the Early Ottoman Instrumental Repertoire, Brill, 2023


Music of the Ottoman Court
Makam, Composition and the Early Ottoman Instrumental Repertoire

Author: Walter Feldman



Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, Volume: 177

Between 1600 and 1750 Ottoman Turkish music differentiated itself from an older Persianate art music and developed the genres antecedent to modern Turkish art music. Based on a translation of Demetrius Cantemir’s seminal “Book of the Science of Music” from the early eighteenth century, this work is the first to bring together contemporaneous notations, musical treatises, literary sources, travellers’ accounts and iconography. These present a synthetic picture of the emergence of Ottoman composed and improvised instrumental music. A detailed comparison of items in the notated Collections of Cantemir and of Bobowski—from fifty years earlier—together with relevant treatises, reveal key aspects of modality, melodic progression and rhythmic structures.

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (27 février 2024). Parution : Walter Feldman, Music of the Ottoman Court. Makam, Composition and the Early Ottoman Instrumental Repertoire, Brill, 2023. IISMM. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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