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Parution : Thomas Dähnhardt, Giovanni De Zorzi, Journey Among Dervishes Between Past and Present, Mimesis International, 2023


Journey Among Dervishes Between Past and Present

Edited by: Thomas Dähnhardt | Giovanni De Zorzi






The present book intends to invite readers on a multi-dimensional and multifaceted journey meeting dervishes in different places and environments of the Muslim world; its peculiarity is to bring together a classical orientalist approach, based on texts and written documents, with the approach typical of Anthropology, Ethnography and Ethnomusicology, based on research in the field and oral sources: the ethnographic study of the present sheds new light on practices, methods and theories exposed in treatises of the Past while, at the same time, practices of the present may be clarified and illuminated by the study of ancient Sufi texts and authors. These different approaches want to draw attention to the multiple dimensions embraced by “tasawwuf” (Sufism) both in its historical and social context and in its nontemporal aspect, concerning spirituality and the ways the latter is conveyed and transmitted, both in the past and present.

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (16 février 2024). Parution : Thomas Dähnhardt, Giovanni De Zorzi, Journey Among Dervishes Between Past and Present, Mimesis International, 2023. IISMM. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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