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Call for papers | International conference/World Philosophy day 2024 : « Mutual Understanding on Both Sides of the Mediterranean: Concepts, Ideas, and Perceptions », 21-22 November 2024, Amman (Jordanie) — LIMITE : 28/02/2024

T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e re n c e | Wo r l d P h i l o s o p h y D a y 2 0 2 4
Mutual Understanding on Both Sides
of the Mediterranean:
Concepts, Ideas, and Perceptions
P h i l o s o p h y D e p a r t m e n t – T h e U n i ve r s i t y o f J o rd a n
I n C o o p e ra t i o n w i t h : R I I F S , I I IT, A AU
From France: INALCO, CNRS, EPHE, Universite’ Sorbonne Paris Nord, and Ifpo
21-22 November 2024 | Amman, Jordan

Apart from a enlightening epochs of our common history – whereby a sort of unprecedented civilizational and epistemological acculturation, illuminating philosophical dialogues and theological debates took place among the ancient cultures, on one hand, and between East and West, on the other – a considerable legacy of misunderstanding and miscommunication has been central to the mainstream academic circles on both sides of the Mediterranean. Such a philosophical and cultural chasm lies at the heart of a few epistemological and methodological differences with regard to the hermeneutics and interpretation of various philosophical texts and canons with which each philosophical camp isaffiliated. In light of the ongoing debates of modernity and postmodernity, along with the prevailing phenomenon of Globalism, the fallacy of the modern World as being a purported small village, and the illusion of bridging the gap, fundamental cultural, identity and epistemological differences have remained substantial, especially those relevant to the constellations of key philosophical paradigms, ideas, and cognitive frameworks. In addition, philosophical, cultural, and scientific representations have deepened the chasm between the mainstream philosophical premises of Eurocentrism, the real and imaginary Orient, and the new World order. Over the course of modern time, these philosophical and epistemological debates have been prompted by historical, methodological, interpretational, and political conditions. That said, this Conference aims at bridging such a chasm that persists again and again. This Conference will mainly address the following major themes:

1. Interpretation of Arab-Islamic philosophy and heritage: the main idea here is centred on the way Arab-Islamic philosophy and Heritage was and has been received by mainstream European scholars and philosophers including, but not limited to, the sort of views that fashion their intellectual and cultural sources, such as the way in which they were/have been influenced by Eurocentrism, colonialism, and Orientalism; the problem of language differences and how each side understands and interprets classical and canonical texts; the question posed here is: How can both sides reconcile various contradictory  approaches of reading, understanding and interpretation. To do so, it is worth conducting a contrapuntal dialogue and scholarly comparative studies to explore the multiple differences orchestrating the way Arab and European scholars understand and perceive Arab-Islamic philosophy, religion, theology (Kalam, Jurisprudence and Sufism).

2. Interpretation of the Arab World in tandem with European thoughts and philosophies during the 19th century. This would entail thorough scrutiny and analysis of Arab Awakening (The Nahda) and its  interpretation and reception of new ideas arriving from across the Mediterranean, including, but not limited to, the work of Rifa’a al-Tahtawi, Butrus al-Bustani, Khayr-al-Din al-Tunisi, Shibli Shumayyil, Sarouf Brothers, Qasim Amin, Mohammad Abduh, among others.

3. Postcolonial Studies, Neo-Orientalism, Occidentalism, Critique of Modernity, Contemporary trends of Critical Theory and Criticism. This includes critical studies on the Understanding of the Palestinian Cause, the pitfalls of Orientalism; Postcolonial revision of contemporary and early works of European scholars; ethical and methodological limitations in Postcolonial Studies, Edward Said, Talal Asad, and others.

4. Interpretation and Perception of current cultural, philosophical, and ethical issues such as: Tolerance,  Freedom, Emancipation, The Right to Resist Occupation and Tyranny, Human Rights, International Law, Acceptance, Coexistence, Recognition, Etc. Moreover, more emphasis will be placed on the ethical role of Philosophy vis-à-vis contrasting such concepts with contemporary world issues.

More information : Philosophy day conference – English

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (14 février 2024). Call for papers | International conference/World Philosophy day 2024 : « Mutual Understanding on Both Sides of the Mediterranean: Concepts, Ideas, and Perceptions », 21-22 November 2024, Amman (Jordanie) — LIMITE : 28/02/2024. IISMM. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse

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