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Parution : Revue Turcica n°54|2023, Peeters Publishers


Turcica – Tome 54



In memoriam Irène Beldiceanu-Steinherr (1928-2022)


Vatin (Nicolas), La pratique du prêt aux officiers et aux hommes lors de campagnes militaires : l’exemple de la campagne navale franco-ottomane de 1543-44

Faroqhi (Suraiya), Conveying Silver Coins from Lviv to Istanbul. Martin Gruneweg’s Description of Armenian Merchant Caravans

Strunje (Petar), Christianisation of Mosques in Dalmatia: Recontextualisation of Sacral Architecture

Ibrahim (Nasser A.), Du riz et de l’huile : un ordre de réquisition à Rosette durant l’expédition française en Égypte

Çakmak (Yalçin), A Case of Apostasy in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century: Mustafa the Apostate and His Family

Yildirim (Ezgi) and Uras (Arsun), Intralingual Translations from Ottoman Turkish into Turkish with Armenian Letters: The Example of Hikâye-I Âşık Garip

Leiser (Gary), Mehmed Fuad Köprülü, Oriental Studies, and Orientalism

Dossier/Special feature

A Social History of Ottoman Languages

Gürbüzel (Aslihan) and Shafir (Nir), Introduction

Hagen (Gottfried), Towards a Social Pre-History of the Ottoman Turkish Language

Pifer (Michael), Reading Hakob Meghapart’s Songbook (Venice, 1513/14): On Middle Armenian and the First Printed Volume of Armenian Poetry

Buljina (Harun), Writing Bosnian in Arabic: The Development of the Arebica Script in the Long 19th Century

Notes et documents/Notes and documents

Koh (Choon Hwee), An Ottoman Liquidity Crunch: Immediate and Deferred Payments at Post Stations (Menzilḫāne), 1713-1763

Comptes rendus/Book reviews

Roșu (Felicia) dir., Slavery in the Black Sea Region, c. 900-1900 (Benjamin Lellouch)

Kenan (Seyfi), Somel (Selçuk Akşin) éd., Dimensions of Transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the Late Medieval Age to Modernity (Nicolas Vatin)

Papas (Alexandre) et Toutant (Marc), L’Asie centrale de Tamerlan (Anna Caiozzo)

Çağaptay (Suna). The First Capital of the Ottoman Empire: The Religious, Architectural and Social History of Bursa (Amy Singer)

Sariyannis (Marinos) éd., Political Thought and Practice in the Ottoman Empire (Özgür Türesay)

Isom-Verhaaren (Christine), The Sultan’s Fleet. Seafearers of the Ottoman Empire (Nicolas Vatin)

Kármán (Gábor) éd., Tributaries and Peripheries of the Ottoman Empire (Güneş Işıksel)

Ivanyi (Katharina A.), Virtue, Piety and the Law: A Study of Birgivī Meḥmed Efendī’s Al-Ṭarīqa al-Muḥammadiyya (Alexandre Papas)

Erdoğan İşkorkutan (Sinem), The 1720 Imperial Circumcision Celebrations in Istanbul (Gisela Prochazka-Eisl)

Kacir İsmailoğlu (Tuğba), Hammer. Doğu’nun Kâşifi (Renaud Soler)

Fuhrmann (Malte), Port Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean (Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis)

Winter (Stefan), Ade (Mafalda) éd., Aleppo and Its Hinterland in the Ottoman Period/Alep et sa province à l’époque ottomane (Brigitte Marino)

Sievert (Henning), Tripolitanien und Bengasi um 1900 (Rachel Simon)

Singha (Radhika), The Coolie’s Great War (Erik Jan Zürcher)

Hanioğlu (M. Şükrü), Atatürk une biographie intellectuelle (Duygu Tasalp)

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (8 février 2024). Parution : Revue Turcica n°54|2023, Peeters Publishers. IISMM. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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