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Call for papers | 8th annual Islamic Archaeology Day,  9 March 2024, UCL Institute of Archaeology

A call for papers for the 8th annual Islamic Archaeology Day, co-organised by SOAS and UCL, and being held at the UCL Institute of Archaeology on 9 March, is announced.

There are increasing numbers of researchers working in Islamic archaeology in the UK. They are, however, scattered through a number of different institutions and rarely have an opportunity to come together and discuss their work and other matters of mutual interest.  

The purpose of the Islamic Archaeology Day is to provide such an opportunity and to encourage collaboration across regional and period boundaries. This will be the first event since the pandemic and it is hoped that participants will be able to join the event despite the short notice. 
As in previous years, the 2024 meeting will feature around 12 papers of 20 minutes on recent work on the archaeology and heritage of the Islamic world (broadly construed) by established and early-career scholars. The event organisers are particularly keen to have papers that share the results of new research or fieldwork. Please send Corisande Fenwick (c.fenwick[at] a title as soon as possible if you would like to present a paper. 

The meeting will take place in the ground floor lecture theatre (G6) at the UCL Institute of Archaeology, in central London on Saturday 9 March 2023 from 11am-6pm, followed by a reception and an optional dinner at a local restaurant. There will be a small charge to cover food, tea and coffee and the reception. Registration details will be sent out when the programme is announced.  All are welcome!

Organisers: Corisande Fenwick (UCL), Hugh Kennedy (SOAS/UCL), Veronica Occari (UCL), Scott Redford (SOAS), Viva Sacco (UCL), Paul Wordsworth (UCL).

À retrouver sur le site de l’UCL

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (17 janvier 2024). Call for papers | 8th annual Islamic Archaeology Day,  9 March 2024, UCL Institute of Archaeology. IISMM. Consulté le 15 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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