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Parution : Laurent Bonnefoy and Myriam Catusse (eds), Arab youths. Leisure, culture and politics from Morocco to Yemen, Manchester University Press, 2023


Arab youths
Leisure, culture and politics from Morocco to Yemen
Edited by Laurent Bonnefoy and Myriam Catusse







Young Arabs are too often reduced to the figures of the potential terrorist, the migrant or the exotic icon of the revolution. But the reality is much richer.

Coming from both sides of the Mediterranean, the researchers in this book travel off the beaten track by exploring how young Arabs spend their free time. The case studies take in a wide range of countries, including Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and all manner of activities, from football to rap music, café culture to sex work. Drawn with sensitivity and humour, Arab youths presents an exceptional portrait of a generation that is much talked about but rarely listened to.

This book gives a voice to young men and women who, as heirs of plural traditions, animated by new ideas and influenced by various cultural movements, are inventing the future of their societies in the midst of radical change.

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (11 décembre 2023). Parution : Laurent Bonnefoy and Myriam Catusse (eds), Arab youths. Leisure, culture and politics from Morocco to Yemen, Manchester University Press, 2023. IISMM. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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