Research and Outreach Associate, Centre of Islamic Studies (CIS), University of Cambridge — LIMITE : 08/12/2023
The Centre of Islamic Studies (CIS) at the University of Cambridge is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research and Outreach Associate with a research specialism related to Muslims in the UK and Europe. The post is a three-year, fixed-term position which will commence in September 2024. It is full-time and based in the Centre of Islamic Studies, which is located in the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
CIS research and outreach posts are distinctive in that postholders are expected to 1) pursue a research project in an area related to Muslims in the UK and Europe and 2) design and run a set of outreach activities that reach beyond the academic community. What form the latter will take will depend on the specialism of the appointee but collaboration with Muslim organisations, public policy stakeholders, governmental and non-governmental organisations and local schools are welcomed. Examples of successful projects with a strong outreach component are Dr Ryan William’s Reimagining Citizenship project, and Dr Mehrunisha Suleman’s Perspectives on End of Life Care project.
CIS is one of a network of centres and research and outreach associates are strongly encouraged to collaborate with colleagues at our UK partner institution, the Alwaleed Centre at the University of Edinburgh and with other Alwaleed centres as appropriate. Research and outreach associates are expected to apply for additional external funding for the activities they design if possible.
The postholder may also contribute to the teaching of modern Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies within the Department of Middle Eastern Studies with which CIS has close links.
Candidates will need to demonstrate an upward research trajectory and an ability to develop and carry out research projects of a high academic standard. They will also need to show an interest in and understanding of the remit of the Centre of Islamic Studies and a commitment to outreach beyond academia. Attendance at and participation in CIS weekly seminars and events during term-time, and annual conferences or symposia, is expected. The role requires an ability to work independently but also as part of a team, and native or near native fluency in spoken and written English.
The successful candidate will be expected to have been awarded their PhD by the date their employment commences. CIS Research and Outreach posts are intended primarily for early career researchers. Applications are therefore invited from researchers who have submitted their doctoral thesis for viva voce examination not more than four years prior to the application closing date. Those wishing to make a case for a career break due to maternity leave, family commitments, illness, or other exceptional circumstances should provide relevant details. Please note that time spent working outside academia does not qualify as a career break.
Click the ‘Apply’ button below to register an account with our recruitment system (if you have not already) and apply online.
The closing date for applications is Friday 8 December 2023.
The deadline for receipt of academic references from shortlisted candidates is 12 January 2024.
It is expected that interviews will take place in late January or early February 2024. They make take place in-person or online, depending on applicant and interviewer availability. Any offer of employment will be conditional on the offer-holder having or gaining the right to work in the UK.
Enquiries may be addressed to the Acting Director of the Centre of Islamic Studies, Professor Amira K. Bennison at cis[at]
Please quote reference VN39230 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.
The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.
Further information : Further Particulars
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (4 décembre 2023). Research and Outreach Associate, Centre of Islamic Studies (CIS), University of Cambridge — LIMITE : 08/12/2023. IISMM. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse