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Research and Conference grants, British Institute for the Study of Iraq (BISI) — LIMITE : 01/02/2014

The Institute invites funding applications once a year to support research or conferences on Iraq and neighbouring countries not covered by the British Academy’s BASIS-sponsored institutions, in any field of the humanities or social sciences, concerned with any time period from prehistory to the present day.

Funding Available
BISI can only fund direct costs such as equipment, travel expenses, and consultancy fees, normally up to a total of £4000 – although more substantial awards may exceptionally be made. BISI cannot pay institutional overheads, salary costs, PhD studentships, or other normal living costs.
Annual Deadline
1 February.
Applicants must be residents of the UK or, very exceptionally, other individuals whose academic research closely coincides with that of a BISI sponsored project or excavation.
Application Procedure
Application forms for Research Grants and Conference Grants. Completed applications must be sent to the Institute, both by email (preferably in word format) and post, in time for the deadline. Decisions will be announced in March.
Two academic references are needed in support of each application. They must be emailed to the Institute by the deadline above.
Terms and Conditions
Successful applicants will need to provide a written report for publication in the BISI Newsletter and an account of expenses.

Reports of past events and projects funded by BISI Aacademic grants can be found in the BISI Newsletters. A selection are showcased on the Academic Projects page.
Grants are awarded to individuals and institutions by the BISI Council after assessment by the Fieldwork and Research Committee. Decisions are based on the quality and practicality of the proposed research, the costing of the work, the qualifications of the applicant to conduct the work, and the reports of referees.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Chargé de diffusion scientifique (16 décembre 2013). Research and Conference grants, British Institute for the Study of Iraq (BISI) — LIMITE : 01/02/2014. IISMM. Consulté le 18 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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