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Scholarships 2014-2015, The Department of History at Central European University, Budapest — LIMITE : 23/01/2014

Generous Scholarships Available: The Department of History at Central European University 
Call for Applications 2014/2015

Central European University is an English-language, graduate university with an urban campus located in the beautiful center of the thriving cultural capital–Budapest, Hungary.  A university with students from over 100 countries and faculty from more than 40, CEU offers a cosmopolitan learning environment in small, seminar-style courses with a student/faculty ratio of 8:1.  CEU is accredited in the United States as well as the European Union (Hungary).

CEU’s Department of History offers students interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives on the history and culture of Central, Southeastern, and Eastern Europe in conjunction with the Ottoman, Middle Eastern, and larger Eastern Mediterranean world.  Our curriculum covers this broad Eurasian span from the early modern period to the present, and we also encourage our students to take classes and engage with faculty and peers in other disciplines at the University such as Medieval Studies, Anthropology, Public Policy, Gender Studies, Sociology, Environmental Studies, as well as Legal Studies just to name a few.   Our community challenges our students to craft cutting-edge research projects in dialogue with the current debates and research at the forefront of the social sciences and humanities.  Please visit our website to learn more about our thriving community in the department as well as the success stories of our recent alumni who have landed coveted positions in competitive tenure-track posts, the world’s top PhD programs, as well as high positions in government, NGOs, and the private sector.

Programs offered:

  •  Master of Arts in Central European History (One Year)
  •  Master of Arts in Comparative History: Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe 1500-2000 (Two Years)
  •  Master of Arts in European Women’s and Gender History (MATILDA) (Two Years)
  •  Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative History of Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe
  •  Specializations in Religious Studies, Jewish Studies, and Eastern Mediterranean Studies

Selected Areas of Research:

  • Comparative history of the Habsburg, Ottoman, and Russian Empires
  • Nationalism Studies
  • Social and Cultural History
  • Gender Studies
  • Labor and Migration History
  • Comparative history of fascism
  • Comparative history of communism
  • Comparative religious studies
  • Urban studies
  • Late antique and early modern history
  • Intellectual history

While earning degrees at CEU, we also encourage our students to take advantage of paleography as well as language classes in the Department and CEU’s Source Language Teaching Unit that teaches beginning, intermediate, as well as advanced Arabic, Armenian, Ancient Greek, Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian, German, Hungarian, Latin, Russian, Ottoman Turkish, Turkish and others.

The application deadline is January 23, 2014.  Early applications are encouraged.

For inquiries about the department, the programs, the funding schemes, and the admission process, or for any other questions related to our department, please contact Ms. Agnes Bendik:

History Department
Central European University
Nador u. 9
H-1051 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +36 1 327-3022
Fax: +36 1 327-3191

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (16 décembre 2013). Scholarships 2014-2015, The Department of History at Central European University, Budapest — LIMITE : 23/01/2014. IISMM. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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