Chaire sécable de l’IISMM-EHESS | Professeur invité : Jun Sugawara (Lanzhou University)
Jun SUGAWARA is Professor of History at Center for the Studies on Ethnic Minorities of Northwest China, Lanzhou University, China. Born in Mizusawa, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. He specializes in the social history of Southern Xinjiang, and Modern Uyghur lexicography. He has published numerous articles and books on Xinjiang Uyghur studies: Éling, Éling ! (Textbook for Modern Uyghur language learning, co-author, Aysima Mirsultan, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 2007), Concise Modern Uyghur Japanese Dictionary (ILCAA, 2009); “Islamic Legal Order in the Northwestern Frontier: Property and Waqf Litigation of a Sufi Family in Kāshghar(1841–1936)” in Zsombor Rajkai and Ildikó Bellér-Hann (eds.), Frontiers and Boundaries: Encounters on China’s margins. Harrasowitz, 2012; “Expanded Texts of “Martyrdom”: The Genesis and Development of the Uighur Legend of Abdourahman Han”, in Eurasian Studies 2014 XII; Mazar: Studies on Islamic Sacred Sites in Central Eurasia (discussion volume, co-editor, Rahile Dawut, TUFS Press, 2016); “Three Texts on the Martyrdom of Abdurrahman Padshah, Collected by Martin Hartmann”,in WORLD OF THE GREAT ALTAI: International Research Journal, 2 (2.2) 2016; Kashgar Revisited: Uyghur Studies in Memory of Ambassador Gunnar Jarring (discussion volume, co-editor, Ildikó Bellér-Hann and Birgit N. Schlyter, Brill, 2017; “Love Letter to Azize”, in Mirsultan, A. et al (eds), Community Still Matters: Uyghur Culture and Society in Central Asian Context (Festschrift in Honor of Ildikó Bellér-Hann). Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2022.
Jun SUGAWARA will take part of the Visiting Professors Program designed by EHESS, on proposal of Marie-Paule Hille (EHESS, CCJ)
How Did They Get ‘satisfied’ (rāżī)? On ‘Civil Litigation’ of Turkic Muslims in the Xinjiang Province Era
During the Xinjiang Province era (1884-1955), civil cases among Turkic Muslims in Southern Xinjiang were said to be generally dealt with by Islamic courts (maḥkima). However, the actual situation is still unclear. In this lecture, I examine the process of hearing civil suits by focusing on the descriptions of litigation documents, especially on the settlement (ṣulḥ) documents. From there, I approach the question of the mechanisms of dispute settlement which preceded the current ‘people’s settlement system’ (renmin tiaojie zhidu人民调解制度) and had been in place for centuries in local society.
Dans le cadre du séminaire “La propriété en Islam : l’empire moghol et l’Inde”
- Mercredi 24 mai de 14h30 à 16h30 – Centre de colloques, Salle 3.06, Campus Condorcet, Cours des humanités 93300 Aubervilliers
A Sufi Family’s 95 Years: Land, Brotherhood and Family in Pre-Modern Kashghar
This lecture attempts to reconstruct the ninety-five years (1841-1936) of the history of a Sufi family living in the northeastern suburbs of Kashghar, by relying on their family archives. The latter consist of nearly ninety documents, including land sales, lawsuits, debts, inheritance, private letters and spiritual genealogy (silsila). The period covered here was one of multiple political upheavals, including the Muslim Rebellion (1864-1877), the establishment of the Xinjiang Province (1884) and the Xinhai Revolution (1911). How did a holy lineage cope with these changes? This talk examines the family’s various survival strategies, paying particular attention to their economic activities, especially real estate management, their religious activities as Sufi guides, and their internal ties and conflicts, as revealed in documentary sources.
Dans le cadre du séminaire “Le culte des saints musulmans. Approches historique et anthropologique”
- Mardi 6 juin 2023 de 14h30 à 17h30 – Bâtiment EHESS, Salle 25-A, Campus Condorcet, 2 cours des humanités 93300 Aubervilliers
An ‘Islamic’ Legal Order under Chinese Rule: Introduction to the Study on the Turkic Contractual Documents in the Xinjiang Province (1884-1955)
This talk presents an overview of Turkic contract documents from Xinjiang, made available since the beginning of the 21st century. Called mostly ‘Islamic court documents’, they bear the seal of authentication of the qāżī (Muslim magistrate). They are extremely important for understanding the legal environment and the socioeconomic situation in Xinjiang, from the late Qing era to the first decade of the People’s Republic. I present, first, the fundamental information, comprising the size and holdings of documentary sources, relevant literature and current research trends. Next, I briefly examine some research questions that can be answered through the use of these sources, such as in the issues of land sales (<baiʻ), debts (<madyūn), inheritance (<mirāth), legal disputes (<daʻwā) and pious donations (<waqf).
Dans le cadre de la Journée d’études “Normes et pratiques dans la documentation juridique islamique”
- Mercredi 7 juin 2023 de 9h à 17h – Bâtiment EHESS, Salle 25-B, Campus Condorcet, 2 cours des humanités 93300 Aubervilliers
The Faith behind the Words: Sainthood Elements in the Contemporary Uyghur Oral Traditions
The contemporary Uyghur Oral Tradition in question here refers to the multiple oral representations that have been handed down until the early 21st century: epics cycles (dastan), songs (qoshaq), sermons (hékaye), funny stories (letipe), riddles (tépishmaq), proverbs (maqal-temsil) and others. These cultural representations are still handed down and performed by the people today, and distinctly different from the hagiographies (tezkire), which have been textualised and (to use Albert Lord’s expression) ‘dead’ in the past. In this talk, I try to extract from the aforementioned resources a number of lexical terms related to the saint venerations, and identify the characteristics as seen in contemporary oral culture.
Dans le cadre de l’Atelier “Eurasie centrale”
- mardi 20 juin 2023 de 11h00 à 13h00 – Bâtiment Recherche Nord, Salle 5.067, Campus Condorcet, 14 cours des Humanités, 93322 Aubervilliers
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (21 avril 2023). Chaire sécable de l’IISMM-EHESS | Professeur invité : Jun Sugawara (Lanzhou University). IISMM. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse