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Call for applications | 2023–2024 AKPIA Postdoctoral Fellowship Program — LIMITE: 15/03/2023

Harvard University, Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, History of Art and Architecture dept

2023–2024 AKPIA Postdoctoral Fellowship Program




The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture (AKPIA) is pleased to invite applications for Fellowship appointments to conduct advanced historical research in Islamic art, architecture, material culture, and archaeology at Harvard University. Our program does not support professional design, conservation, or urban development projects, nor are they intended for research travel.

AKPIA Fellows are a full-time, immersion research appointment, to result in a lecture delivered to the AKPIA community, and a submission to the journal Muqarnas (published by Brill). AKPIA Fellows are expected to meet with the Director of the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, to discuss their research and to consider potential submission topics for publication. We do not allow scholars to take on any other major responsibilities during their time at Harvard, including teaching jobs. AKPIA Fellows are expected to be active participants in the academic life of our program at Harvard University. They are encouraged to attend lectures hosted by AKPIA and HAA (the Department of History of Art and Architecture), and to meet with faculty, students and other visiting scholars.

We welcome applications both from senior scholars and from recent graduates. Ideally, research projects should be publishable in the annual journal of the Aga Khan Program, Muqarnas.

AKPIA Fellows have an affiliation with Harvard University’s Department of History of Art and Architecture (HAA). They are given access to all Harvard University librariesmuseums, and facilities in furtherance of a well-defined, specific research project. AKPIA Fellows participate in departmental symposia and they are also welcome to audit Harvard seminars and lecture courses, if they so choose (with instructor permission). 

Residency is required for AKPIA Fellows. Applicants who plan to spend a significant amount of time conducting travel research are not encouraged to apply. Fellows are responsible for arranging their own health insurance, which is required of all Massachusetts residents. Fellows are responsible for finding their own housing; the AKPIA Program does not provide housing for its scholars, nor does the Program assist with finding or securing lodging. Because the housing market in Cambridge is remarkably competitive and expensive, the AKPIA Administrator will share suggestions and resources regarding housing, which should be secured by the fellows as soon as possible, before arrival on campus.

The maximum duration for Fellowships is twelve (12) months. Minimum duration (normally 3 months) may be negotiable depending on each case. The duration of a Fellowship may also depend on the funding proposal.

AKPIA Fellowships may be fully funded, partially funded, or awarded to applicants who have their own institutional funding. Harvard University requires Fellows to have $4,570 per month (minimum) for living expenses while in residence in Cambridge; AKPIA recommends that Fellows have at least $5,000 per month. Applicants should provide a detailed budget proposal with their application materials, providing specifics about their own institutional funding (if any) and/or their AKPIA funding request (whether full or partial). Please note that Fellows will be subject US income tax, which is usually between 14%-30%.

The required application is available as a writable PDF. Applicants should download this document and complete all relevant fields.

Applicants must have a doctoral degree (PhD, DPhil, or equivalent). A solid command of written and spoken English is required (Fellows are expected to present a public lecture on their research project as part of the AKPIA lecture series A Forum for Islamic Art and Architecture, delivered in English). Fellows must remain in Cambridge for the duration of the appointment.
Application materials must be submitted as individual documents attached to a single email (with application form, CV, etc.) attached as separate files. The Committee will not consider incomplete applications or applications submitted after the deadline: March 15, 2023.

The following materials are required of applicants:
   – Completed, signed application form (see website)
   – Curriculum vitae
   – Research proposal, with research timeline and budget proposal
   – Two different writing samples of previous research publications
   – Letters of recommendation from two professors or scholars familiar with the applicant’s research*
   – Original transcripts–when possible–in sealed enveloped from institutions where graduate work was conducted.**

* Letters of recommendation and transcripts may be emailed directly to the Aga Khan Program from the institutions or recommenders (preferred), sent by a professional dossier and credentials service (such as Interfolio), or may be included with the other application materials in their original, sealed envelopes. Letter writers may email their letters directly to agakhan[at]fas.harvard.eduAll other materials should be submitted as individual documents within a single email message.

** Emailed scans of original transcripts are acceptable.

Materials should be sent to: agakhan[at]

All application materials must be received by March 15, 2023. Results will be announced by May 1st.
 To view past research topics, see our previous Fellows and Associates.


The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University


485 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138


For further information, call 617-495-2355 or email

Visit the website:

Primary Category: Architecture and Architectural History
Secondary Categories: Art / Art History
Islamic History / Studies
Middle East History / Studies
Arabic History / Studies


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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (28 février 2023). Call for applications | 2023–2024 AKPIA Postdoctoral Fellowship Program — LIMITE: 15/03/2023. IISMM. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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