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Parution : Sarah R. Bin Tyeer, Claire Gallien, Islam and New Directions in World Literature, Edinburgh University Press, 2022


Islam and New Directions in World Literature

Edited by Sarah R. Bin Tyeer, Claire Gallien
Foreword by Jeffrey Einboden






Brings forth the Islamicate as an aesthetic and critical force in World Literature

  • Disrupts the one-way traffic in the field of World Literature studies by regarding Islam as both an alternative and a critical force behind creative processes
  • Understands Islam as a driving creative force and situates its contribution in the development, past and present, of world imaginaries
  • Covers a variety of global locations to discuss the Islamicate as developed in Western European, Turkic, Indo-Persian, Middle-Eastern, African Indonesian and Chinese literatures
  • Examines a diversity of genres including fiction and poetry, but also philosophy, and oral literature

Since its advent, Islam has been a representational force to be reckoned with, cross-pollinating world literatures in Africa, Europe, Asia, the Pacific Ocean and the Americas. Yet, scholarship on Islam in world literatures has been sparse despite its significant presence. This book understands Islamic literary and cultural heritages as dynamic forces, constantly enriched and enlivened by various humanistic traditions in multiple languages, spanning the lives of individuals and societies throughout history. It is also designed to incorporate a variety of themes, influences, ramifications and representations of Islam in world literatures in classical and contemporary contexts.

Exploring Islam’s presence in world literatures in two strands: on the one hand, examining the orientalist versions and usages of Islam; and on the other hand, analysing the presence of Islam as Islamicate, this book advances a consideration of Islam as an agent in the history of World Literature.

Foreword – Jeffrey Einboden (Northern Illinois University)

Notes on Contributors


1. The World Imaginaires of Islam: Islam and New Directions in World Literature – Sarah R. Bin Tyeer (Columbia University) & Claire Gallien (Université Paul Valéry – Montpellier 3)

Tropes of Orientalism

2. Los moros de la hueste: Recovering the Islamicate in the Goths’ Lament – Gregory Hutcheson (University of Louisville)

3. Just One Word – Gil Anidjar (Columbia University)

Sensory Fluctuations: Aural, Oral, Visual, and Written

4. Poems in Praise of the Prophet (madīḥ) as a Citizen of the Literary World – Walid Ghali (Aga Khan University)

5. The Place and Function of Imagination in Fulani Mystical Poetry (Massina, Mali) – Christiane Seydou (CNRS-Paris)

6. Vanishing Art, Genre-making: The Uyghur Storytelling Tradition and its Heritagization – Musapir

Circulation,Translation, Rereading

7. Friedrich Rückert’s Understanding of Islam and Poetic Translation of the Qur’ân – Georges Tamer (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) and Cüneyd Yıldırım (Münster Universität)

8. The “Islamic” Arabian Nights in World Imaginaries – Muhsin al-Musawi (Columbia University)

9. Where is World Literature? – Hamid Dabashi (Columbia University)


10. Praising the Prophet Muhammad in Chinese. A New translation and Analysis of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s Ode to the Prophet – Haiyun Ma (Frostburg State University) and Brendan Newlon (Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, NC)

11. A Fine Romance: Translating the Qissah as World Romance – Pasha M. Khan (McGill University)

12. Indonesia’s “Sastra Profetik” As Decolonial Literary Theory – Nazry Bahrawi (University of Washington)


Sarah Bin Tyeer is Assistant Professor in the Department of Middle East, South Asian and Africa Studies at Columbia University. She is the author of The Qur’an and the Aesthetics of Pre-modern Arabic Prose (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).

Claire Gallien is Senior Lecturer in English at University Paul Valéry-Montpellier III. She is She is author of L’orient anglais (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment/Liverpool UP, 2011) and co-editor (with Ladan Niayesh) of Eastern Resonances in Early Modern England: Receptions and Transformations from the Renaissance to the Romantic Period (New York: Palgrave, 2019).


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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (26 octobre 2022). Parution : Sarah R. Bin Tyeer, Claire Gallien, Islam and New Directions in World Literature, Edinburgh University Press, 2022. IISMM. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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