Research assistant, Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS), Philipps-Universität Marburg (Allemagne) — LIMITE : 02/10/2022
Entry date: as soon as possible
Application deadline: 2022-10-02
Salary: E 13 TV-H
Duration: 3 years
Volume of employment: part-time (50 %)
Established in 1527, Philipps-Universität offers excellent teaching for approximately 22,000 students. With research in a wide spectrum of science, it faces the important issues of our time.
The Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, research group on “(Post)Colonial Studies Maghreb”, Prof. Dr. Nessim Znaien is currently accepting applications for a
Research Assistant (PhD)
The position is offered for a period of 3 years, if no former times of qualification must be considered. The starting date is as soon as possible. The position is part-time (50 % of regular working hours) with salary and benefits commensurate with a public service position in the state Hesse, Germany (TV-H E 13, 50 %).
The tasks include scientific services in research and teaching. To the duties belong the support with the chair´s research projects, translation of texts in French, Arabic and English language and performance of teaching events/seminars.
The position is limited to a time period deemed adequate for the completion of a doctoral degree. As part of the assigned duties, there will be ample opportunity to conduct the independent scientific research necessary for the completion of a doctorate. The limitation complies to § 2, 1 WissZeitVG.
The successful applicant will hold an MSc-degree or equivalent in Scientific University Education (History, Sociology or Arabic Literature). Proper English is expected. Extensive experience in French is also desirable. Disposition to own scientific qualification (e. g. a doctorate project in the area History of the (post)colonial Maghreb and/or the colonial Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia or Libya) is expected and being able to read texts in classic Arabic is highly recommended. Applicants who are able to speak/read several languages of the region (Maghreb Arabic, Berber, Italian, Spanish) will be preferred during the selection procedure.
We actively support the professional development of junior researchers, e. g. by the offers of Marburg Research Academy (MARA), the International Office, the Higher Education Didactics Office and the Human Resources Development Office.
Contact for further information
We support women and strongly encourage them to apply. In areas where women are underrepresented, female applicants will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. As a certified family-friendly university, we support our employees in balancing family and career. A reduction of working time is possible. Applicants with a disability as discribed in SGB IX (§ 2 Abs. 2, 3) will be preferred in case of equal qualifications. Application and interview costs cannot be refunded.
Please send your application mentioning above registration number as a single PDF file to julia.hermann[at] before 02.10.2022.
ZE-0117-cnms-wmz-091022.engl-1 (1)
ZE-0117-cnms-wmz-091022-1 (1)
Assistant de recherche (WiMi), rattaché au département d’histoire et au Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS), de l’université de Marburg (Allemagne). Le contrat est de 3 ans, renouvelables, de sorte que le financement pourra aller jusqu’à six ans.
L’étudiant aura validé un master (histoire, sociologie ou littérature arabe prioritaires) et fera un doctorat sous la direction ou co-direction de Dr. Nessim Znaien en histoire du Maghreb colonial ou post-colonial.
Il/Elle aura obligation d’habiter en Allemagne (l’obtention d’un salaire nécessite un numéro fiscal, que l’on obtient en louant ou achetant un logement), mais avec des possibilités de missions de recherche financées à l’étranger. Il/Elle devra enseigner un cours par semestre, qui devrait porter dans un premier temps sur l’histoire contemporaine du Maghreb à travers le cinéma et à travers la musique
Le niveau de rémunération correspond à 50% du E13, du tableau suivant (, soit environ 2100 euros brut par mois. Les candidatures sont ouvertes jusqu’au 2 Octobre.
More information: here
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (14 septembre 2022). Research assistant, Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS), Philipps-Universität Marburg (Allemagne) — LIMITE : 02/10/2022. IISMM. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse