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Appel à communication : Symposium “Ways of Knowing: Asian and Middle Eastern Women in Photographs”, , 28-29/03/2014

Studies devoted to photography and its uses are numerous, but rare are those that deal with women in the Middle East and in Asia. NTU’s School of Art, Design, and Media in partnership with Middle East Institute of the University of Singapore will be organizing a two-day symposium, “Ways of Knowing: Asian and Middle Eastern Women in Photographs,” in March 28-29, 2014 to enable researchers from different disciplines (anthropology, sociology, history, literature, cultural studies, etc.) who use photographs (videos) of women as a research method to meet and discuss their approaches as well as the results of their research. The conference aims to bring together various perspectives in the social and human sciences and in the humanities.

Deadline for abstracts: 2 December 2013. Information

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (28 novembre 2013). Appel à communication : Symposium “Ways of Knowing: Asian and Middle Eastern Women in Photographs”, , 28-29/03/2014. IISMM. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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