Parution : Gaétan du Roy, Les zabbālīn du Muqattam. Ethnohistoire d’une hétérotopie au Caire (979-2021), Brill, 2022
The Cairene garbage collectors (the Zabbalin) settled on the Muqattam slopes in 1970. Soon they attracted the attention of different actors involved in development and religious mission: Egyptian engineers, a French Catholic Sister and the most central character of this story, Father Samʿān, who started a mission among the Zabbalin in 1974. This preacher founded several churches, today known as the Monastery of Saint Samʿān the Tanner, a complex of seven churches carved in the Muqattam walls. Through his charismatic style of preaching and his public exorcisms symbolically staging the struggle between Christianity and Islam, Samʿān has become a figurehead of his church.
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (4 juillet 2022). Parution : Gaétan du Roy, Les zabbālīn du Muqattam. Ethnohistoire d’une hétérotopie au Caire (979-2021), Brill, 2022. IISMM. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse