Appel à communication : “International Conference on Dialogue for Peace, Security and Human Rights”, 16/05/2014, Téhéran (Iran) — LIMITE : 10/12/2013
International Studies Journal (ISJ) and United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) will hold an International Conference on Dialogue for Peace, Security and Human Rights on the occasion of World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development on 16th May 2014 in Tehran, Iran.
Conference Topics: Dialogue among Civilizations and Peace
Human Rights in the Lights of Cross Cultural Dialogue Dialogue among Civilizations and International Security Dialogue for UN Reforms World Crisis and the Challenges for Dialogue and Consensus Dialogue among Religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam)
Terms and conditions of paper submission:
1. Title and abstract of the paper including goal, method, results and achievements of research should be sent to by 10 December 2013 and after the acceptance, the full text should be sent by 20 February 2014.
2. The paper can be in Persian, English, or French languages
3. The title, abstract, and the full text should not have been
published or presented before.
4. In case of any financial support, the name of the organization or
institute and the number of project or plan should be reflected in the abstract. Evidently, submission and publication of such papers are subjected to letter of consent from the respective organization or institute to International Studies Journal.
5. Please see our web for registration and participation fee.
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (27 novembre 2013). Appel à communication : “International Conference on Dialogue for Peace, Security and Human Rights”, 16/05/2014, Téhéran (Iran) — LIMITE : 10/12/2013. IISMM. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse