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Parution: Marie-Aude Fouéré and Iain Walker, Across the Waves. Strategies of Belonging in Indian Ocean Island Societies, Brill, 2022


Across the Waves
Strategies of Belonging in Indian Ocean Island Societies

Volume Editors: Iain Walker and Marie-Aude Fouéré




Series: African Social Studies Series, Volume: 44

All the islands of the western Indian Ocean are immigrant societies: Austronesian seafarers, African slaves, Arab traders, South Asian indentured labourers and European plantation owners have all settled, some voluntarily, others less so, on Madagascar and Zanzibar, in the Mascarenes and the Comoros. Successive arrivals often struggle to establish their places in these societies, negotiating their way in the face of antipathy, resistance, even violence, as different claims to belonging conflict. The contributions to this volume take a selection of case studies from across the region, and from different perspectives, contributing to a theorisation of the concept of belonging itself.

Contributors are Patrick Desplat, Franziska Fay, Marie-Aude Fouéré, Akbar Keshodkar, Hans Olsson, Gitanjali Pyndiah, Ramola Ramtohul, Iain Walker

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (26 avril 2022). Parution: Marie-Aude Fouéré and Iain Walker, Across the Waves. Strategies of Belonging in Indian Ocean Island Societies, Brill, 2022. IISMM. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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