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11th International Symposium Halcyon Days in Crete XI “Enchantments and disenchantments: early modern Ottoman visions of the world” — Online, 14-17 January 2022

11th International Symposium Halcyon Days in Crete XI: Enchantments and disenchantments: early modern Ottoman visions of the world

Post autΤhe Department of Ottoman History of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies – Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas announces its 11th International Symposium Halcyon Days in Crete XI: Enchantments and disenchantments: early modern Ottoman visions of the world

14-17 January 2022

The sessions will take place online. Register in advance:

Program and more information: here

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Chargé de diffusion scientifique (3 janvier 2022). 11th International Symposium Halcyon Days in Crete XI “Enchantments and disenchantments: early modern Ottoman visions of the world” — Online, 14-17 January 2022. IISMM. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse

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