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Appel à communication pour le panel “Dreaming, Conversion, Inspiration: Oneiric Imaginaries in Contemporary Africa”, African Studies Association in Contemporary Africa (ASAA 2022), Université de Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 11-16 avril 2022 — LIMITE : 30/08/2021

Appel à communication pour le panel organisé par Amalia Dragani (Marie Curie Global Fellow, University of Florida- KU Leuven) sur le thème Dreaming, Conversion, Inspiration: Oneiric Imaginaries in Contemporary Africa (panel n° 16).
Il aura lieu lors du prochain colloque de l’African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA  2022) qui se tiendra à l’Université de Cape Town (Afrique du Sud) du 11 au 16 avril 2022, en modalité hybride (en ligne ou en présentiel, selon la préférence exprimée par le participant). 
Pour les modalités d’inscription et de dépôt du résumé, veuillez trouver ci-joint un document explicatif de l’ASAA, et le lien pour le site Abstract Portal ( Les titres ne doivent pas dépasser les15 mots, les résumés 250 mots et la biographie 50 mots. Le temps de parole pour la présentation est de 20 minutes, plus 5 minutes pour les questions. La date limite est fixée au 30 août 2021, mais il est conseillé de déposer l’abstract avant. 

16: Dreaming, Conversion and Inspiration: Oneiric Imaginaries in Contemporary Africa

This panel seeks to trace the connections between dreaming and the world of the invisible from comparative and multidisciplinary perspectives. Dreams have long been studied in anthropology and among historians, archaeologists and scholars of literature, there has been increased recognition of dream studies in recognition of the social and religious dynamics produced during the dream-time.

The objective is to foster an international discussion to develop tools for analyzing how individuals experience everyday religiosity in Africa, and about ways of sensing invisible spirits and the divine, especially in “conversion dreams” and in “inspirational” or creative dreams. Following recent scholarly moves (Soares 2006, 2016), the aim is to challenge scholarship that presents different religions as separate blocs and does not study them within a common analytical frame. Dreams of the Prophet Muhammad, Jesus, the Qur’an, and the Bible could all shed light on African encounters with various Others in different settings.

Papers are welcome on the following topics, among others: 

– ethnographic case studies of conversion dreamsinspirational dreams in poetic and artistic creation; visitational, inspirational and investiture dreams;

– Christian-inspired dreaming in Muslim worlds and Muslim-inspired dreaming in Christian worlds;

– dreams and jihadism;

– gender, dreaming and the unseen;

– representations of dreams and the unseen in art and popular culture;

– sources for dreams study (digital dream reports, dream books, dream diaries, literary dream reports, etc.).

Visual and art-based approaches and methods are welcome, and short films that relate to the topic will be screened. Paper proposals are welcome from both experienced scholars and PhD students. Abstracts and papers can be sent in English, Italian and French. Selected papers will be published in an edited volume or a special issue of a scholarly journal.

Dr Amalia Dragani (University Of Florida-KU Leuven)

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (30 juillet 2021). Appel à communication pour le panel “Dreaming, Conversion, Inspiration: Oneiric Imaginaries in Contemporary Africa”, African Studies Association in Contemporary Africa (ASAA 2022), Université de Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 11-16 avril 2022 — LIMITE : 30/08/2021. IISMM. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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