Job: Program Officer working on religion and mediation, ETH Zurich — LIMITE : 10/08/2021
Project background
Our Mediation Support Team supports efforts to mediate and transform violent political conflicts by conducting research, providing training and directly supporting those engaged in peace and conflict transformation processes. We are seeking for someone to work on the program entitled “Culture and Religion in Mediation” (CARIM), which is conducted in partnership with the “Religion, Politics, Conflict” sector of activity of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).
Job description
Tasks involve knowledge management and applied research related to transforming conflicts with religious dimensions as well as accompanying ongoing conflict transformation processes analytically and in direct contact with some of the involved actors. You will also be involved in organizing training workshops for future mediators and peace practitioners or for parties in a conflict context (e.g., as well as carrying out administrative tasks related to the CARIM program.
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (15 juillet 2021). Job: Program Officer working on religion and mediation, ETH Zurich — LIMITE : 10/08/2021. IISMM. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse