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Call for Papers / Special Issue of the Journal of the Contemporary Study of Islam: “Historizing Islamophobia” — LIMITE : 20/02/2021

Type: Call for Papers
Date: February 20, 2021
Location: United Kingdom
Subject Fields: Human Rights, Immigration & Migration History / Studies, Islamic History / Studies, Religious Studies and Theology, Social Sciences

Call for Papers: Special Issue on “Historizing Islamophobia”

Guest Editor: Randa Abdel-Fattah, Macquarie University

The Journal of the Contemporary Study of Islam invites articles for a special issue related to the theme of Historizing Islamophobia. Islamophobia is often explained as a problem of behaviour and attitudes, effacing the world-historical thick contexts in which Islamophobia emerged as a form of racism constitutive in the making of the modern world. As we approach the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, this special issue is interested in papers that take a critical stance towards the dominant framing of 11 September 2001 as the ‘starting point’ of Islamophobia. The global war on terror may have begun on 9/11, ushering in a new ‘crisis’ to justify the criminalization, persecution, incarceration and systematic demonization of Muslims, but Islamophobia’s racial genealogies and modalities, and race, class and sex/gender hierarchical logics, borrow from, and interact with, a world-historical repertoire of key events, practices and racial thinking.

We seek articles that present counter-hegemonic analyses, approaches and concepts, examining Islamophobia as a longer and more complex phenomenon. We are especially interested in papers which examine how settler-colonial projects against Indigenous communities and colonized communities have informed Islamophobia formations across varying national, social and political contexts.

The special issue is edited by Randa Abdel-Fattah of Macquarie University. For more information, please contact the Guest Editor at randa.abdel-fattah[at]

Deadline: Submission should be made before the 20 February 2021.

How to make Submissions:

Interested scholars are invited to submit their articles for consideration using the online submission system at:

Please state in your submission that the article is for the special issue.

Manuscripts will undergo a process of double-blind peer review. Author guidelines are available at:

Potential topics for the special issue include, but are not limited to:

  • The relationship between settler-colonial projects against Indigenous communities and colonized communities and concepts of race that have developed particular state formations of Islamophobia (eg: US, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand). How has the racism deployed to rationalize European genocide against Indigenous nations structured and mobilized Islamophobic sentiment and practices in settler societies?
  • Neo-colonial legacies of counter-terrorism policing. Colonial structures of race and racism in security apparatus and law, and the genealogy of counter-terrorism in policing Indigenous resistance to colonization.
  • Historicizing understandings of the Muslim racialized subject. Continuities and discontinuities with colonial policing or with contemporary counter-terrorism (eg: Cold War policing of leftists in the 20th century).
  • Neo-colonial structures in post 9/11 discourses on gender, sexuality and race (eg: ‘rescuing’ women and queers from Muslim/Arab communities). In particular, in settler-colonial societies, how patriarchal/heterosexual White sovereignty and the refusal of Indigenous sovereignty informs Islamophobia.
  • Interconnections between state violence and the war on terror. Relationship between violent White supremacy on the domestic front and state violence on the global front.
  • Inter-ethnic solidarities/tensions in Muslim minority communities. Problematizing the homogenous figure of the post 9/11 Muslim target of Islamophobia to examine the specificities of the conditions of emergence, logics, social manifestations, effects and implications of Islamophobia with respect to black Muslim populations, Arab Muslim populations, Asian Muslim populations and so on. How do black Muslim minorities in Western contexts experience Islamophobic discourses and practices compared to, say, Arab Muslim minorities? How are figurations of the ‘terrorist’ mapped differently on black, brown, white Muslim bodies?
  • Emerging and changing role and forms of solidarity and resistance, political organising, social, academic, activist and artistic local, national and transnational movements of resistance. In particular, tracing differences between resistance to Islamophobia as hate crimes/attitude/individual acts of racist violence on the one hand, and mobilisations against Islamophobia as state racism, on the other. Comparing neoliberal anti-racism work (depoliticized, ahistorical, focused on the individual) to anti-racism and anti-Islamophobia resistance to liberal and neoliberal multiculturalism.

About the journal: JCSI is a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly. Each issue includes new scholarly work as well as a book review section. We also accept short responses to articles published in the journal. Typescripts must be in English and new scholarly works should be between 8,000 and 12,000 words.

JCSI was launched by the Institute for the Contemporary Study of Islam, based in the UK, to promote and disseminate research related to Islam and Muslims in the contemporary world. Although we may consider any submissions that fall within the scope of JCSI, we are keen to publish research articles that deal with some of the most pressing issues that Muslims face in the contemporary world, such as new approaches to Islamic law, new religious trends in the Muslim world, Islam and politics, sectarianism in the Muslim world, Islam and social change, Islam and human rights, Islamophobia, Muslim-Christian relations, new methodological developments in Quranic studies, and hadith studies.

JCSI aims to reach a wider readership beyond academia, and thus we suggest authors use accessible language in their submissions. The journal is open-access, free of cost for authors and readers alike, and provides unrestricted online access to its readers.

JCSI is a member of Crossref, an independent membership association for building shared technologies. Crossref was launched in early 2000 as a cooperative effort among publishers to enable citation linking in journals using the Digital Object Identifier, or DOI. Our DOI prefix is 10.37264 and our ISSN is 2633-7282 (online). We are in the process of applying for membership to the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and CLOCKSS archival service.  

JCSI has a prestigious advisory board and will be covered by the leading relevant indexing services.

Contact Info: 

The special issue is edited by Randa Abdel-Fattah of Macquarie University. For more information, please contact the Guest Editor at randa.abdel-fattah[at]

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (11 juin 2020). Call for Papers / Special Issue of the Journal of the Contemporary Study of Islam: “Historizing Islamophobia” — LIMITE : 20/02/2021. IISMM. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse

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