Hale Yilmaz, Becoming Turkish: Nationalist Reforms and Cultural Negotiations in Early Republican Turkey (1923–1945), Syracuse, Syracuse University Press, 2013, 288p.
“In this highly original book, Hale Yιlmaz uses hitherto unavailable archival material and oral history accounts to analyze aspects of everyday culture in interwar Turkey that scholars know about but have not looked at closely. Her wide-ranging examination of the social impact of Kemalist reforms shows that while people’s responses ranged from enthusiastic approbation to intense hostility, most Turks found ways to adapt to state policies that aimed at transforming society.”—Houchang Chehabi, Professor of International Relations and History, Boston University
“Yιlmaz examines how individuals and families responded differently to reforms. In doing so, she successfully demonstrates that a national program was both applied and received variously, not homogeneously, in different regions.”—Michael E. Meeker, author of A Nation of Empire
Hale Yιlmaz is assistant professor of history at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Her work has appeared in the International Journal of Middle East Studies and Toplumsal Tarih as well as in the edited volumes Women’s Memory: The Problem of Sources and Transcultural Localisms.
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (25 octobre 2013). Hale Yilmaz, Becoming Turkish: Nationalist Reforms and Cultural Negotiations in Early Republican Turkey (1923–1945), Syracuse, Syracuse University Press, 2013, 288p. IISMM. Consulté le 15 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/px7k