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Appel à communications : Journal of Comparative Islamic Studies

The journal Comparative Islamic Studies is inviting colleagues to
submit articles for publication.  We are a refereed journal that is
published twice a year and the timeline for peer review and
publication is in the range of 3-4 months.  Colleagues interested in
guest editing an issue on a topic or to publish the proceedings of a
conference are also welcomed.  Please get in touch with either one of
us, Joshua or Walid.

Comparative Islamic Studies focuses on integrating Islamic studies
into the more general theoretical and methodological boundaries of
liberal arts disciplines with an emphasis on those disciplines most
closely aligned with the contemporary study of religion (e.g.
anthropology, art history, classics, comparative literature, history,
philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology). Particular
attention will be given to articles and reviews which reflect how
Islamic materials can challenge and contribute to generic categories,
theories and questions of method in the general study of religion. The
journal provides the opportunity for expert scholars of Islam to
demonstrate the more general significance of their research both to
comparativists and to specialists working in other areas.

Articles are to be explicitly comparative in their focus and scope,
and should clearly articulate both the reasons for selecting to
compare certain phenomena and the theoretical conclusions to be drawn
from the comparison. Comparisons may be between Islamic and
non-Islamic materials or within and among Islamic materials. Some
examples include analyses of Bible and Quran along with Jewish,
Christian and Muslim exegesis; studies of rituals, canonical texts,
myths, and ideeologies; sociological categories investigating prophet
figures, holy people, saints and sufis; and comparisons of theology,
philosophy and mysticism.

Attention to Islamic materials from outside the central Arabic lands
is of special interest, as are comparisons which stress the diversity
of Islam as it interacts with changing human conditions. Articles may
also concentrate on the methodological and theoretical implications of
doing comparative analysis.
Please visit the website for more information and to submit your articles :

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Chargé de diffusion scientifique (25 octobre 2013). Appel à communications : Journal of Comparative Islamic Studies. IISMM. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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