Conférences de Shinsuke Nagaoka, professeur associé à la Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies de l’Université de Kyoto (Japon) — les 4, 9, 10 & 17 avril 2019

Shinsuke Nagaoka is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University, Japan. He was a visiting researcher at the Islamic Research and Training Institute at the Islamic Development Bank (2010). He has M.A. in Economics (2004) from The University of Tokyo, and a Ph.D. in Islamic Area Studies, (2009) from Kyoto University. He has studied Islamic economics & finance from the interdisciplinary aspects; economics, history and fiqh al-mu‘amalat (Islamic jurisprudence). His major publication is A Study on Islamic Finance in the Modern World (in Japanese, The University of Nagoya Press, 2011), Islamic Economics and Finance in Action: Inventing a New Universal Paradigm (in English, Brill, forthcoming).
Shinsuke Nagaoka (Université de Kyoto) est invité à l’EHESS dans le cadre du programme de Chaire sécable de l’Institut d’études de l’Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM) et du projet de recherche « Marché islamique mondial » coordonné par la FFJ et soutenu par PSL IRIS études globales.
Entretien enregistré en juin 2018 avec Shinsuke Nagaoka et publié sur Canal U (par la Fondation France Japon) : Islamic Economy & Social Sciences
Conférences en anglais / Lectures
Impact of Islamic Economic Movement in Global History: Alternative or New Universal Paradigm?
The commercial practice of Islamic finance emerged in the 1970s as a ‘new’ financial system different from interest-based conventional finance. However, when reviewing the history of the pre-modern Islamic world and Europe, it can also be observed that Islamic finance shares its feature with financial activities in the pre-modern era. Based on these observation, this lecture tries to propose a new definition of “the universal financial system” to the Islamic financial system.
Jeudi 4 avril 2019, 17h-20h – EHESS, IISMM, Salle des étudiants, 96 Bd Raspail 75006 Paris
Dans le cadre du séminaire IISMM « L’islam et le nouvel esprit du capitalisme ».
Écouter l’enregistrement de la conférence
How Can We Overcome the Financialization of Islamic Economic Practices? Issues and New Horizons’
The rapid growth of Islamic finance after 2000 has led to a new question on its practice. Critics of the current situation of Islamic finance contend that the newly developed Islamic financial products are not compatible with the ideal of Islamic economics. In order to overcome this situation, several new ideas were proposed by them. This lecture identifies these new trends calls «New Horizon’s’» in Islamic economics, and considers the characteristics of the trends and historical implications.
Mardi 9 avril 2019, 14h-16h – Université Paris Dauphine, Amphithéâtre A 11, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris
Dans le cadre du workshop international “Diversity of Asian Capitalisms: An Islamic Pattern. Its principles and practices”.
Japanese and Asian Perspectives of Islamic Economic Markets: Towards a New Path for Sustainable Development
This lecture focuses the boom of the Islamic economy in Japan and Asian non-Muslim countries, and tries to consider the impact on these countries not only from a business perspective but also from a social perspective. The Islamic economy not only brings economic benefit to these countries but also provides one powerful paradigm vision for the next-generation economic paradigm and sustainable humanosphere.
Mercredi 10 avril 2019, 17h30-19h30 – EHESS, Salle A07_37, 54 Bd Raspail, 75006, Paris
Conférence organisée par la Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS.
What Can We Learn from the Economic Wisdom of Islam? Its Implications for Our Next-Generation Global Society
The Islamic economy came into the spotlight globally during the latest global financial crisis. Islamic finance is often considered an anti-capitalist movement only for Muslims. However, the idea of an Islamic economy cannot fit in the existing framework of anti-capitalism. We can find useful wisdom for conceiving the future of capitalism from a perspective beyond the differences between pro and anti conflicts, or among religious beliefs. This lecture tries to clarify the wisdom of the Islamic economy behind these practices, and then will consider what we can learn from this teaching for a better future.
Mercredi 17 avril 2019, 16h-18h – EHESS, IISMM, Salle de réunion, 964 bd Raspail 75006 Paris
Dans le cadre du séminaire IISMM « L’islam et le nouvel esprit du capitalisme ».
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (14 mars 2019). Conférences de Shinsuke Nagaoka, professeur associé à la Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies de l’Université de Kyoto (Japon) — les 4, 9, 10 & 17 avril 2019. IISMM. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse