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Postdoctoral Researcher in Algerian Culture and History at The University of Helsinki — LIMITE : 15/03/2019

The University of Helsinki – among the best in the world
Founded in 1640, the University of Helsinki is one of the best multidisciplinary research universities in the world. The Faculty of Arts is Finland’s oldest institution for teaching and research in the humanities and the largest in terms of the structure and range of disciplines. It is also a significant international community fostering research, education and cultural interaction.

The project “VoCAL Articulations of Identity and Empire (CALLIOPE)” at the University of Helsinki will run from March 2018 – February 2023 and is directed by Dr. Josephine Hoegaerts. It is funded by the European Research Council (ERC-Starting Grant 2017). The project studies how audible performances of public speech have influenced political decision making in the 19th century. It shows how voices helped to define diverse identities and contributed to practices of political and cultural transfer during the colonial period. In viewing political representation through the lens of audibility, the project will offer a new perspective on citizenship and colonialism by reframing how authority was embodied – through performances that were heard, as well as those that could be seen.

The Faculty of Arts invites applications for the position of a


to the CALLIOPE project for a fixed-term of three years, from September 2, 2019 (negotiable) onwards.
An appointee to the position must hold a doctoral degree in a field relevant to the project (such as history, cultural studies, political science, language, or anthropology), as well as have the ability to conduct independent scientific research and possess the teaching skills required for the position. The candidate should have a proven capability to publish in scientific journals, have excellent analytical and methodological skills, and be able to work both independently and as a part of a multidisciplinary scientific community. We particularly appreciate applicants with a proven track record in multidisciplinary collaboration and an aptitude for methodological innovation.

Candidates will be expected to take charge of research on one geo-political area or axis of ‘exchange’ covered in CALLIOPE, and focus on vocal practices of political representation within that area:
‘French’ Algeria (ca. 1830-1920)
The candidate will study rhetorical and vocal norms in the region (as presented e.g. in religious, educational and judicial texts), and the links and tensions between political (Franco-) Algerian speech and other forms of rhetoric, taking responsibility for the ‘sub-project’ in CALLIOPE concerning the evolution of public oratory (religious, rebellious or otherwise) in its exchange with rising colonizing powers -a project necessitating fluency in French, and ideally also familiarity with Arabic. (for a full project description, contact the project director).

The main duties will include full-time research and participation in the activities of the project. The post will require both independent and collaborative scholarly publishing, as well as teaching (5-10% of the annual working time) and other tasks. All candidates are expected to have excellent skills in written and oral English as well as French.
The salary for the position is based on level 5 of the job requirement scheme for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee shall be paid a salary component based on personal work performance. The annual gross salary range varies between 41,000 and 50,000 euros, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience. The appointment starts with a probationary period of six months.

Please submit your application as a single pdf file which includes the following documents in English:
1) A curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages)
2) A list of publications (max. 3 pages)
3) A statement (max 2 pages) outlining the applicant plans to shape the sub-project applied for
4) A summary (max. 2 pages) on the applicant’s scholarly activities including original research at an international level, international academic networks, local co-operation, success in obtaining research funding
6) A sample of scholarly writing (not more than 10,000 words)
5) Names and contact details of 2 or 3 referees

Please name the pdf file with your last name and the initial(s) of your first name(s).

Please submit your application, together with the required attachments, through the University of Helsinki Recruitment System via the link Apply for job. Applicants who are employees of the University of Helsinki are requested to leave their application via the SAP HR portal.

The deadline for applications is March 15, 2019.

Further information on the position and on the CALLIOPE project can be obtained from director Josephine Hoegaerts (josephine.hoegaerts (a)

For information on the university as employer, please see:

In case you need assistance with the University’s electronic recruitment system or SAP HR portal, please contact

Due date

15.03.2019 23:59 EET

To apply via the link “Apply” on this website :

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (23 janvier 2019). Postdoctoral Researcher in Algerian Culture and History at The University of Helsinki — LIMITE : 15/03/2019. IISMM. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse

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