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Appels à candidatures : Post-doctoral Fellowships, Visiting Research Fellowships and Short-term Research at the Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore — LIMITE : 20/12/2013

The Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, is pleased to announce new post-doctoral fellowships, visiting research fellowships and short-term research openings.


The Middle East Institute was established in 2007 as an autonomous research organization within the National University of Singapore. Its mission is to generate scholarly and policy research on the broader Middle East (the Arab world, Turkey, Iran, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Horn of Africa). Its three broad research clusters are politics and security, economics and business, and culture and society. It supports approximately 10-15 research positions ranging from post-doctoral fellows to senior researchers with disciplinary representation including political science, international relations, economics, history, anthropology, business and Islamic studies. Subjects of special interest to MEI are the Arab uprisings, the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf, the role of Turkey and Iran in regional affairs, Gulf oil, business and investment, and growing interactions between the region and Singapore/Southeast Asia. Other topics include gender issues, human rights, environment, social movements, political Islam, military-strategic issues, and Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict.


MEI is offering two Post-Doctoral Fellowships. These are two-year fellowships from August 1, 2014 to July 31, 2016. The fellowships are for recent Ph.D. recipients in the social sciences or humanities working on political, economic, social, cultural or religious conditions in the greater Middle East region. While the topics for research are open-ended, special attention will be paid to projects germane to MEI’s priorities.

The Post-Doctoral Fellow will be expected to prepare his/her dissertation for publication, deliver one or more lectures/seminars about his/her research, and participate in MEI’s educational outreach program.

The fellowships come with a competitive remuneration and benefits package.

Support may be given for research and fieldwork as well as conference attendance (on application and subject to approval). The candidate must have fulfilled all requirements of the Ph.D. within the last two years. If you are a Ph.D. candidate at the point of application, you may also apply provided that you are confirmed for graduation before assuming your appointment at MEI. A letter from your university will be required to confirm your graduation. Knowledge of at least one Middle Eastern language is required. Applications from Asia and the Middle East are particularly welcome.


MEI is prepared to offer up to two regular Research Fellowships in 2014-2015. These are one-year appointments with the possibility of renewal for a second year. They are open to academics in the social sciences and humanities in possession of the Ph.D. for at least five years and one published book. Mid-career scholars with a promising publications record are encouraged to apply.

The Fellows will be expected to be pursuing a major research project, probably leading to their second book. It is also expected that they will deliver one or more lectures/seminars and participate actively in the Institute’s internal work-in-progress and discussions as well as participating in educational outreach activities to the Singapore community including the government, the universities and secondary schools, the business community, and the local and international news media.

The Research Fellowships come with a competitive remuneration and benefits package. Support may be given for research and fieldwork as well as conference attendance (on application and subject to approval). Knowledge of at least one Middle Eastern language is required. Applications from women and from Asia and the Middle East are particularly welcome.


MEI welcomes applications for up to two project-driven short-term research positions. Terms may vary from two to six months beginning in August 2014.

Contracts are only renewed in exceptional cases. Candidates should submit a policy-relevant research proposal in one of MEI’s areas of interest that will lead to a publishable article or report. The proposal should summarize the project, indicate research methodology, cite relevant literature, and provide a detailed budget. The short-term researchers will be expected to be resident in Singapore. Short-term researchers should be prepared to deliver a public lecture and to make themselves available to interested faculty and students from NUS and other Singaporean institutions. Areas of interest include the following:

  1. regional political and security issues (including the Arab uprisings, identity and legitimacy, human rights, regional conflicts, and extremist networks);
  2. economics and business issues (including oil and energy, development, governance and corruption, and public-private sector relationships);
  3. regional and global integration issues (including the changing roles of the U.S., China and other powers, Asian-Middle East relations, regional organizations, and the effects of new media and information technologies).

The Researcher must be in-residence at MEI. A monthly stipend will be provided. MEI will assist in arranging housing. Short-term benefits will be negotiated. Applicants should have a Bachelor’s or preferably a Master’s degree and/or demonstrated expertise on the region. Thus, journalists, governmental professionals, and NGO leaders, in addition to academics, are eligible to apply. Applications from Asia and the Middle East are particularly welcome.


The deadline for applications for Post-Doctoral Fellows and Research Fellows is December 20, 2013. There is no deadline for Short-Term Research Positions. Candidates attending the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting in New Orleans (October 10-13, 2013) may seek to arrange an interview at the MEI booth.

Applications can be submitted either via email or post.

The mailing address is:

National University of Singapore
469A Bukit Timah Road
Tower Block, Level 2
Singapore 259770
Attention: Norizan Selamat

Applications via email should be sent to

Applications should include a covering letter, a statement of research interests and a curriculum vitae. Three letters of recommendation should be sent by post/email from the recommender directly to MEI.

For further information and inquiries, please contact Ms Norizan Selamat at the Middle East Institute. Tel: (65) 6516 2381 Email:

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (1 octobre 2013). Appels à candidatures : Post-doctoral Fellowships, Visiting Research Fellowships and Short-term Research at the Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore — LIMITE : 20/12/2013. IISMM. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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