Conférences de İlker Aytürk, Professeur associé à Bilkent University (Ankara) – 14-16-17-25/05/2018
İlker Aytürk (PhD Brandeis 2005) is associate professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Bilkent University, Ankara and teaches Turkish political history. His current research focuses on the evolution of the Turkish far right during the Cold War.
The Turkish Far Right and Women: The Prehistory of AKP, 1945-1980
Dans le cadre du séminaire de Nathalie Clayer et Fabio Giomi, « Pour une histoire des mouvements sociaux dans le Sud-Est européen aux XIXe et XXe siècles », EHESS.
The 1990s and 2000s were full of optimism that veiled Muslim women—some 70 per cent of all Turkish women according to most estimates—would participate fully in all public affairs on an equal basis, if the ban on veiling in public spaces were to be lifted. Turkish political Islamists fought and won a major political battle over the veil with the ostensible aim of giving veiled women equality in Turkey. It has been almost a decade since the ban is lifted, however Turkey is moving increasingly away from gender equality and towards, what GONGOs in Turkey began calling, gender justice. It seems that the optimism of the early years was rooted in an ignorance of the prehistory of the AKP/JDP and far right attitudes toward women. This lecture addresses the crystallization of such attitudes in both the nationalist and the political Islamist circles during the crucial period of 1945-1980.
- Lundi 14 mai 2018, 16h-19h – EHESS (Salle AS1_23), 54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris
Post-Post-Kemalism? Why Is Studying the Turkish Far Right More Relevant Now Than Ever?
Dans le cadre du séminaire d’itinéraires et de débats en études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques, EHESS
Since the 1980s, the field of modern Turkish studies (including historiography, sociology, anthropology, political science, cultural studies, and gender studies) is dominated by what I call the post-Kemalist paradigm. Post-Kemalists blamed the CUP and the Kemalists for many of Turkey’s contemporary problems and initiated a process of catharsis to overcome the residues of the policies of the 1913-1950 period. This lecture is not a neo-Kemalist critique of post-Kemalists. However, it does argue that post-Kemalists, with their overemphasis on Kemalism, have blinded us to the rise of the far right in Turkey and authoritarian tendencies in the AKP. It will conclude with an invitation to shift the temporal focus of modern Turkish studies from 1913-1950 to the Cold War years, where we have better chances of discovering root causes what is happening in contemporary Turkey.
- Mercredi 16 mai 2018, 10h-13h – EHESS (Salle AS1_24), 54 bd Raspail 75006 Paris
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Mukaddesatçılar: The Rise of an Islamist Turkish Nationalism, 1945-1980
Dans le cadre des réunions du CETOBaC, EHESS
Following the liberalization Turkish politics in 1945, a new, more popular form of Turkish nationalism, the so-called Mukaddesatçılık, emerged and penetrated the Turkish periphery, which the Kemalists had never been able to reach out to. Initially a faction within the Democratic Party, the Mukaddesatçı voter base grew and split between nationalist and Islamist parties in the 1960s and 1970s. This lecture will discuss this not-so-easy marriage between Islam and nationalism in Cold War Turkey with specific attention to actors, institutions, and ideological turning points.
- Jeudi 17 mai 2018, 15h-17h – EHESS (Salle BS1_28), 54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris
Far Right Anti-Semitism in Cold War Turkey, 1945-1980
Dans le cadre du séminaire d’Özgür Türesay, « Études ottomanes, fin XVIIIe – début XXe siècle »
At the end of WWII, anti-Semites in Turkey were few and mostly hailed from the westernized elite. By 1980, a major, qualitative and quantitative change had taken place : a) Anti-Semitism had become a staple of Turkish political Islam and, to a lesser extent, radical nationalism, b) the number of anti-Semites had grown by leaps and bounds, c) anti-Semitism seeped into far right grassroots, becoming a mass phenomenon. This lecture documents this sea change, first, and, following that, it will explore the arguments and the rationale of this non-western case of anti-Semitism, by placing it in a global context.
- (changement) Vendredi 25 mai 2018, 16h-18h – EHESS (Salle 13), 105 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (9 avril 2018). Conférences de İlker Aytürk, Professeur associé à Bilkent University (Ankara) – 14-16-17-25/05/2018. IISMM. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse