150 Bourses de thèse en histoire et civilisation, Institut Universitaire Européen (Florence) — LIMITE : 31/01/2016
The Department of History and Civilization (HEC) offers a distinctive programme of transnational and comparative European history in a global perspective. Study and research activities are structured in a four-year Ph.D. programme , which is one of the largest and most successful in Europe. The teaching programme for the Ph.D. in History and Civilization includes departmental, training and research seminars, as well as other activities such as conferences, workshops, and lectures.
The faculty provides guidance in research methods and advises researchers on the preparation of their dissertations.
Funding is provided for research missions to work in archives and libraries, and researchers may also receive financial support to present their work-in-progress at international conferences.
Doctoral supervision is a priority at the EUI, and prospective researchers are welcome to explore whether their interests fit with those supported by the HEC faculty.
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (21 octobre 2015). 150 Bourses de thèse en histoire et civilisation, Institut Universitaire Européen (Florence) — LIMITE : 31/01/2016. IISMM. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/pzps