Appel à articles : Dossier “Muslims in Africa and African Muslims in the Diaspora”, Acta Islamica : Revue d’etudes islamiques/ Islamic Studies Review — LIMITE : 30/10/2015
As a result of these developments, Africa’s diverse societies across the continent demonstrate their religious allegiance to each of these religious traditions. Apart from Christianity, social scientists have commented upon Islam’s status as a fast growing religion after Christianity. According to available statistics, more than 50 % of Africa’s inhabitants claim Islam as their religion. Whilst this is the case, it does not necessarily mean that all of them practice Islam in the same way. Since Africa’s Muslims are socio-linguistically and culturally diverse, they were/are kept together by their beliefs and practices. Interestingly the huge diversity that characterizes these societies awaits social scientists and others to analyze them; they do so in order to comprehend the ways in which African communities’ values, norms and cultures have been shaped through their interaction and socialization with Muslims. Thus, this inaugural issue of Acta Islamica : Revue d’etudes islamiques/ Islamic Studies Review aims to understand the socio-historical and current processes of Islam’s establishment as a religious tradition on and beyond Africa’s continent. It essentially hopes to assess the consequences thereof.
The following are suggestions for this thematic focus; its focus includes but is not limited to the following:
- “Islam africain” (Muslim Africa or Africa’s Muslims)
- Effects of the global age on Islam
- Internet and Islam among Africa’s Muslim diaspora
- Non-Muslim media coverage of Islam in Africa
- Interactions between African Muslim communities and those who hail from other parts of the world
- African Muslim minorities in the West
- The role of Islam in African politics Citizenship in African states and Islam.
6000-word submissions will normally be in English or French. All submissions should include a cover sheet, not attached to the paper that includes the author’s name, title of paper, contact and institutional information, and a brief (50 words or less) biographical statement. We expect abstracts from interested contributors by October 30, 2015 and finalized contributions by November 30, 2015 to and/or
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (25 septembre 2015). Appel à articles : Dossier “Muslims in Africa and African Muslims in the Diaspora”, Acta Islamica : Revue d’etudes islamiques/ Islamic Studies Review — LIMITE : 30/10/2015. IISMM. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse