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Appel à communications : Panel “Oil Revenues, State Crisis and Inequality in Algeria and Venezuela in the 2000s”, 24e Congrès de l’AISP, Istanbul, 23-28/07/2015 — LIMITE : 07/10/2015

Panel: Oil Revenues, State Crisis and Inequality in Algeria and Venezuela in the 2000s

Séance du Congrès : CS01 Comparative Politics, Democracy and Regime Types

Convenor: Dr. Fatiha Talahite

Abstract: Even if Algeria and Venezuela belong to different cultural and geographical areas, they share many economic and political features: with a comparable population size, they both produce and export oil and gas hydrocarbons and are members of OPEC. In both countries, modernity is intrinsically linked to the oil economy and the effects of its revenue on all areas of social life. We could find other similarities when comparing the state models, the political systems, the role of the military, the economic policies, the development strategies.. In particular, public policies of oil revenue distribution, although guided by egalitarian arguments, lead to increasing inequalities. Both countries now face a serious political and economic crisis, compounded by the recent fall in oil prices. This crisis results in a lower production of oil and gas and hinders exports diversification. This panel aims at comparing and analyzing both countries experience in oil revenue distribution through subsidy policies, whether direct (support prices of staple goods, energy, water, transport..) or indirect (public expenditure in housing, employment, health, education, infrastructure, industry..), and their effects on inequality. The papers should include a case study on one of the two countries or both, and should be based on a theoretical and/or empirical original content. They can rely on broader international comparisons.

Language: English

  • Chair: Dr. Fatiha Talahite, CNRS, Paris
  • Co-chair: Dr. Paula Vasquez Lezama, CNRS, Paris
  • Discussants: Dr. Yacine Belarbi, CREAD, Alger

Lire l’appel sur le site du congrès

La date limite pour la soumission des communications est le 07 octobre 2015. Voir les conditions de soumission sur le site de l’AISP

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (24 septembre 2015). Appel à communications : Panel “Oil Revenues, State Crisis and Inequality in Algeria and Venezuela in the 2000s”, 24e Congrès de l’AISP, Istanbul, 23-28/07/2015 — LIMITE : 07/10/2015. IISMM. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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