International Conference “Angels and Mankind: Nature, Role, & Function of the Celestial Beings” — Orient-Institut Beirut, Beyrouth, University of Balamand, Koura, 02-04/07/2015
2 and 3 July 2015 Orient-Institut Beirut
4 July 20015 University of Balamand, Koura
Guest of honour Josef van Ess (Tübingen)
Conference Conveners Stefan Leder, Sara Kuehn, Hans-Peter Pökel
Conference Programme
Thursday 2nd of July 2015
12:30 Registration and Lunch at the Orient-Institut Beirut
13:45 Welcome and Introduction: Stefan Leder, Sara Kuehn and Hans-Peter Pökel
Panel I (14:00–17:30)
ʽPhysiologyʼ of Heavenly Beings
Chair Astrid Meier (Beirut)
14:00–14:45 Frederick S. Colby (Oregon): Uniting Fire and Snow: Representations of the Wondrous Angel ʽBelovedʼ in Medieval Muslim Versions of Muhammad’s Ascension and in the Late Rabbinic ʽAscension of Mosesʼ
14:45–15:30 Marlène Kanaan (Balamand): Création et Êtres angéliques d’après un manuscrit Arabe inédit, l’Hexaéméron du Pseudo-Épiphane de Salamine
15:30-16.00 Coffee Break
Chair: Jack Khalil (Balamand)
16:00-16:45 Jad Hatem (Beirut): Angélologie et contingence
16:45–17:30 Samir Mahmoud (Beirut): ʽAngelomorphosisʼ: He Who Knows Himself Knows His Lord
18:00–19:30 Keynote Lecture: Aziz Al-Azmeh (Budapest): Celestial and Mundane at the Emergence of Islam
Friday 3rd of July 2015
Panel II (09:30-13:00)
ʽTopographyʼ and Hierarchical Scheme of the Heavenly Host
Chair Hussein Abdulsater (Beirut)
09:30-10:15 Johann Hafner (Potsdam): Where Angels Dwell. Extraterrestrian Worlds in Jewish and Christian Texts in Late Antiquity
10:15–11:00 Stephen Burge (London): Panangelon: Angelology and Its Relation to Polytheism
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Chair Thomas Scheffler (Beirut)
11:30–12:15 Godefroid de Callataÿ (Louvain): The Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ on Angels and Spiritual Beings
12:15–13:00 David Kiltz (St. Andrews): Heavenly Geography (Uranography) in the Ancient Near/Middle East
13:00–14:30 Lunch
Panel III (14:30–18:00) Mission, Vocation and Agency of Angels
Chair Dahlia E. M. Gubara (Beirut)
14:30–15:15 Sebastian Günther (Göttingen): “As the Angels Stretch Out Their Hands” (Qurʼān 6:93): The Work of Heavenly Agents according to Muslim Eschatology
15:15–16:00 Roberto Tottoli (Napoli): The Carriers of the Throne: Sunni Angelology and Sectarian Debates and Polemics
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-17:15 Jack Khalil (Balamand): “Angel of Satan” in 2 Cor 12:7
17:15–18:00 Stefan Leder (Beirut): Ibn Khaldūnʼs Scientific Approach to Angels as Part of Human Civilization
Hans-Peter Pökel (Beirut): Transmitters of Knowledge – Guardians of Secrets. Perfect Servants and Messengers of the Hidden in ‘Abbāsid Literature
Saturday 4th of July (University of Balamand)
08:30 Drive to Balamand
Panel IV (10:30–15:00)
Visual and Textual Evolution: Angelic Nomenclature and Iconography
Chair Souad Slim (Balamand)
10:30–11:15 Karin Rührdanz (Toronto): Zakariyyāʾ al-Qazwīnī on the Inhabitants of the Supralunar World: How to Reconcile the Activities of Angels with the Workings of Nature
11:15–12:00 Sara Kuehn (Marseille/Beirut): The Primordial Cycle Revisited: Adam, Eve and the Angels
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:15 Nada Hélou (Beirut): Aux origines de l’image des anges: une approche iconographique
14:15–15:00 Yuka Kadoi (Washington): Dressing like the Phoenix. The Angelic Fashion in the Medieval East Islamic World
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30–16:00 Conclusions
16:00-17:30 Visit of the Monastery of Balamand (guided by Souad Slim)
17:30 Return drive to Beirut
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (29 juin 2015). International Conference “Angels and Mankind: Nature, Role, & Function of the Celestial Beings” — Orient-Institut Beirut, Beyrouth, University of Balamand, Koura, 02-04/07/2015. IISMM. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse