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Appel à communications : Workshop “Multiliteracies : Language, Culture, Communication and Technology in Today’s Persian Classroom”, Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Denver (États-Unis), 21/11/2015 — LIMITE : 10/06/2015

Call for submissions :  AATP workshop at MESA in Denver, Nov. 21, 2015

Multiliteracies : Language, Culture, Communication and Technology in Today’s Persian Classroom

The American Association of Teachers of Persian (AATP) is holding a workshop in conjunction with the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) meeting in Denver, Colorado, on Nov. 21, 2015. We invite members and other professionals in the field of Persian teaching to submit proposals for the workshop, “Multiliteracies: Language, Culture, Communication and Technology in Today’s Persian Classroom.” The workshop aims to provide teachers of Persian with cutting-edge research in the field of pedagogy and includes a wide variety of topics such as innovative methods or techniques for teaching the language and culture, corpus-based research, use of cutting-edge technology, and web-based teaching materials. Both quantitative and qualitative research are welcome. The workshop will be conducted in English.

To apply, please send an abstract of no more than 200 words to  by June 10, 2015. The abstract page should not include your name or your affiliation. Your name, affiliation, and institution should only  appear in the body of the email. Abstracts will be blind-reviewed by a review committee. Notification of acceptance will be emailed by July 15, 2015.

We accept proposals from both current members of the AATP as well as other professionals. However, if your proposal is accepted, you must become a current member of AATP. Please note that since this is a workshop in conjunction with the MESA meeting, the name of the presenters of this workshop will not be reflected individually on the MESA program. The AATP provides a letter of acceptance that you can submit to your institution for travel reimbursement. Unfortunately, the AATP does not have funds to support travel costs of the presenters.

Samad Alavi
Executive Secretary
American Association of Teachers of Persian

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
agirault (20 mai 2015). Appel à communications : Workshop “Multiliteracies : Language, Culture, Communication and Technology in Today’s Persian Classroom”, Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Denver (États-Unis), 21/11/2015 — LIMITE : 10/06/2015. IISMM. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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