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Fellowships in Religion and International Affairs, The American Academy of Religion (AAR), Atlanta (États-Unis) — LIMITE : 18/06/2015

The American Academy of Religion (AAR) invites applications for AAR-Luce Fellowships in Religion and International Affairs. The program places scholars with PhDs, from the humanities or related social sciences, or ThDs at the US Department of State, under the Department’s Franklin Fellows Program. Fellows will participate in substantive work of the Department involving religion and international affairs. Fellows will receive a stipend of up to $6,500 per month plus up to $1,500 as a relocation subsidy.

Funded by a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, the Fellowship program seeks to bring scholarly knowledge and critical perspectives to the analysis of contemporary issues and the shaping of policy; and to offer scholars opportunities to contribute their expertise while learning about the functioning of a US government agency.

To be eligible, applicants must:

1) hold a PhD, in the humanities or related social sciences, or a ThD
2) be a US citizen (a State Department requirement)
3) have at least five years’ full-time professional work experience
4) be available to work full-time on site in Washington, DC, for twelve months
5) possess substantial academic expertise on religion outside of North America
6) not currently be a US government employee

Applicants of any faculty status are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants could include, for example, newly minted PhDs, contingent faculty, faculty emeriti/ae, scholars working outside of academia, or tenured faculty with upcoming sabbatical leave—provided that the requirement of five years’ professional work experience has been met.

The fellowship program especially seeks candidates

(1) who have substantial experience or interest in communicating their knowledge of religion to non-academic audiences and
(2) whose expertise or experience suggests they could work effectively in a government agency.

Of particular interest currently are applicants who work on the following. anti-Semitism religion and the environment countering violent extremism religion and conflict, especially regarding the Sunni-Shia divide religion in a particular geographic region outside North America, especially Hindu nationalism in India, or Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka and Burma religious freedom, especially regarding blasphemy, apostasy, or registration legislation

However, by the time the Fellow selection process is completed, additional Department of State interests are likely to have arisen. Thus, candidates with other interests are also strongly encouraged to apply.

Applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm EDT, June 18, 2015, and include:

1) completed application form
2) cover letter highlighting your religion expertise within one or more non–North American regions
3) personal statement (fewer than 500 words)
4) résumé
5) writing sample (evincing intellectual ability but preferably geared toward a non-academic audience)
6) two recommendation letters (one academic and one non-academic professional, or two academic) Recommenders should submit their letters to:

All other application materials should be submitted by applicants to:

Submitted applications are peer-reviewed by a panel convened by the AAR. Follow-up interviews of leading candidates are expected to occur in July. Finalists will then apply to the Department of State’s Franklin Fellows program and be reviewed by the Department of State. Fellows will be identified by August 31, contingent on the awardee subsequently passing security and ethics clearances by the Department. Clearances can take on average from four to eight months and sometimes longer to complete. Fellows are expected to start between January 5 and July 7, 2016, depending how long clearances take, an awardee’s availability, and Department of State needs. Be sure to review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before applying.

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agirault (20 mai 2015). Fellowships in Religion and International Affairs, The American Academy of Religion (AAR), Atlanta (États-Unis) — LIMITE : 18/06/2015. IISMM. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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