One year Visiting Assistant Professor, Catholic University of America, Washington (États-Unis) — LIMITE : 27/05/2015
The Department of Sociology at Catholic University of America invites applications for a one year Visiting Assistant Professor to begin Fall 2015. Applicants should have a record of research and teaching. Area is open but preference is for those with expertise in the Department’s areas of specialization – Crime, Justice and Pre-Law; Global and Comparative Processes; and Public Policy. Qualifications include Ph.D. in Sociology. Contact is Enrique Pumar (<>). Send cover letter, curriculum vitae, and two letters of reference to: Enrique Pumar, Chair, Department of Sociology, 116 Aquinas Hall, Catholic University, Washington DC, 20064. Deadline is May 27, 2015. Candidates are encouraged to submit applications electronically.
CUA is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer. The Catholic University of America was founded in the name of the Catholic Church and maintains a unique relationship with it. The University’s operations, policies and activities reflect this foundation and relationship and are conducted in accordance with its stated mission. Regardless of their religious or denominational affiliation, all employees are expected to respect and support the University’s mission in the fulfillment of their responsibilities and obligations appropriate to their appointment.
Enrique S. Pumar, Chair
Department of Sociology
The Catholic University of America
Aquinas 116
Washington, DC 20064
(202) 319-5445
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agirault (1 mai 2015). One year Visiting Assistant Professor, Catholic University of America, Washington (États-Unis) — LIMITE : 27/05/2015. IISMM. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse