Summer School “EU and the Middle East : Religion, Foreign Policy, Economics”, The LUISS School of Government, Rome (Italie), 30/06-04/07/2015 — LIMITE : 30/05/2015
Relations between the European Union and the Middle East-North Africa region (MENA) especially insofar as they relate to articulations of Islamic values and identities, play a pivotal role in today’s rapidly changing international environment. This advanced one-week Summer School aims at providing scholarly and professional insights into the intricacies of the evolving nature of these societal and foreign policy relations and their impact on the region’s peace and security.
Through this course, participants will:
– Develop an advanced understanding of Islamic culture and institutions
– Analyze challenging strategic issues connected to political Islamic
Examine the impact of Islamic finance and economics on EU-MENA relationships
– Explore how the foreign policies of individual Middle Eastern states impact on Euro-Mediterranean Partnerships
This courses brings together the research and academic excellence of the LUISS School of Government and the University of Jordan.
The LUISS School of Government is a graduate school training high-level public and private officials to handle political and government decision making processes. Since its establishment, it has established itself as a leading academic and research center in the field of EU institutions, public policies and regional studies, with a specific focus on the Middle East and North Africa. Over the last years, moreover, LUISS School of Government has launched advanced post-graduate programs in the areas of Islamici politics, law and finance and EU-Mediterranean relationships.
Deadline for application 30 May 2015
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agirault (18 mai 2015). Summer School “EU and the Middle East : Religion, Foreign Policy, Economics”, The LUISS School of Government, Rome (Italie), 30/06-04/07/2015 — LIMITE : 30/05/2015. IISMM. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse