Appel à articles : Special issue “Militarisation of societies”, Critical Studies on Security — LIMITE : 01/05/2015
The growing militarisation of societies demands interrogation from critical scholars of security, and so Critical Studies on Security invites submissions on any instances and aspects of contemporary militarisation. Without seeking to limit the scope of these submissions, CSoS would welcome articles on the following themes:
1) The militarisation of security practices;
2) Commemoration, memorialisation, and militarisation;
3) The militarisation of societies through invasion;
4) Militarisation and popular culture, including but not limited to:
a. Film and television
b. Fashion
c. Music
d. Gaming
e. Sport;
5) The militarisation of childhood;
6) The militarisation of history.
Submission Instructions
We welcome submissions from across the humanities and social sciences that are grounded in critical cultural, geographic, legal, political, and social approaches to security. Papers for our consideration should be a maximum of 8000 words including bibliography and notes.
Paper can be submitted online here:
Editorial information
- Editor: David Mutimer, York University, Canada
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (24 février 2015). Appel à articles : Special issue “Militarisation of societies”, Critical Studies on Security — LIMITE : 01/05/2015. IISMM. Consulté le 18 septembre 2024 à l’adresse