Lecturer in Middle Eastern Studies at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University (Suède) — LIMITE : 23/02/2015
This is a full-time position. Preferred starting date August 2015. Deadline for applications February 23, 2015. In order to be qualified a candidate must hold a PhD or equivalent international degree within a relevant field in the humanities or social sciences. The applicant to this position must be able to demonstrate:
A) Broad expertise in Middle Eastern societies, conditions and cultural processes in general, and on current processes of democratization, social change and political movements in particular.
B) Documented, specialized knowledge of the specific research areas based on fieldwork experience in the Middle East. Prioritized research areas are: (a) political processes and actors in the Middle East; (b) analyses of inequality, power and cultural processes related to gender, class, ethnicity, national affiliations; (c) democratization dynamics (such as social movements, civil society, and social sustainability).
C) Teaching and advising experience on the prioritized research areas described in the call.
D) Expert proficiency in one or several Middle Eastern languages. The position includes at least 25 per cent for research and professional development with the possibility of time release through grants. For more information, see http://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/erek/job/642513
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lservant (27 janvier 2015). Lecturer in Middle Eastern Studies at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University (Suède) — LIMITE : 23/02/2015. IISMM. Consulté le 7 décembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/pz3j