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Appel à participation : Summer School on Citizens Resilience in Times of Crises, 05-11/07/2015, Florence (Italie) — LIMITE : 15/12/2014

We are pleased to announce that the call for applications is now open for the Summer School on Citizens Resilience in Times of Crises, sponsored by the LIVING WITH HARD TIMES: How Citizens React to Economic Crises and Their Social and Political Consequences project (LIVEWHAT) ( and organized at the Centre on Social Movement Studies (COSMOS) (

The Summer School will address fundamental issues such as:

• How do people respond to crises in general and to the current economic crisis in particular?
• What strategies are developed to cope with the crisis in the public and in the private domain, collectively and individually, and through policies, protests and individual behaviors?
• What forms of resilience does society show in hard times?

The Summer School will bring together young scholars and more established academics interested in these issues through an intensive curriculum of lectures and workshops. Participants investigating the dynamics linking crises, policy responses, and citizens’ resilience will focus on mobilization and alternative forms of action in times of economic crises. More generally, the Summer School aims to offer analytical and methodological tools to investigate how citizens respond to the social and political consequences of economic crises either individually or collectively, privately or publicly, politically or non-politically. This will include responses such as changing attitudes and behaviors; engaging in collective action; adapting lifestyles; expressing discontent in the media; voting for a populist party; and broadening social ties.

The Summer School will also feature keynote speeches from internationally-renowned scholars:
• Prof. Javier Auyero, Sociology Department, University of Texas, Austin
• Prof. Donatella Della Porta, Political and Social Sciences Department, European University Institute, Florence
• Prof. Marco Giugni, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Geneva
• Prof. Jeff Goodwin, Department of Sociology, New York University
• Prof. Maria Kousis, Department of Sociology, University of Crete
• Prof. Hanspeter Kriesi, Political and Social Sciences Department, European University Institute, Florence
• Dr. Magda Osman, Department of Psychology, Queen Mary University of London

The Summer School is open to 20 graduate students as well as early career researchers throughout Europe and beyond with a specialized interest in participation and mobilization during periods of crises in different fields of study, including political science, political sociology, political communication, and political anthropology. Applicants should email a cover letter (i.e. two pages) in which they explain how the Summer School would be beneficial to their research, a 500-word abstract of a proposed academic paper, and a curriculum vitae to The deadline for applications is the 15th of December 2014.

Applicants will be informed of the outcome by email no later than 30th of January. Those offered places must confirm their participation within 10 days, after which places may be offered to applicants on the reserve list. Participants to the Summer School will be required to write and submit a 7000-8000 word paper before 1st June. The paper will be presented during the Summer School, providing a unique experience for discussion and feedback. English will be the working language and therefore students are expected to have a good command of written and spoken English.

The Summer School has no fees and will provide welcome drinks and a farewell dinner, academic materials, and the use of library, computing and internet facilities. Travel and accommodation costs are not included, however the LIVEWHAT project can offer five travel and accommodation grants (€700 each) to selected participants.
For more information about the application procedure and academic program, please visit the Summer School webpage at and/or contact the Summer School organizing committee at

The LIVEWHAT project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 613237.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Chargé de diffusion scientifique (14 novembre 2014). Appel à participation : Summer School on Citizens Resilience in Times of Crises, 05-11/07/2015, Florence (Italie) — LIMITE : 15/12/2014. IISMM. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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