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Research Postgraduate Funding 2015-2016, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds (Royaume-Uni) — PLUSIEURS LIMITES : 02/02/2015 (pour la première)

The School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science at the University of Leeds is pleased to inform potential applicants for postgraduate study that it has available *up to 18 fully-funded PhD scholarships* for UK/EU students for 2015-16 entry, plus further scholarships for international students. Full details are set out below with a *first deadline of 2 FEBRUARY 2015*.

For more information about postgraduate study in Theology and Religious Studies at Leeds, please see

Supervision expertise includes all aspects of the sociological and anthropological study of Islam and Muslims in the UK, Europe and beyond, especially fieldwork and historically based studies of local communities, key institutions and rituals, organisations and movements, as well as questions of local-global politics, public recognition and inter-religious relations.

Well-qualified candidates interested in applying are advised to contact me at an early stage :

Dr Seán McLoughlin
Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Muslim Cultures, Politics & Societies
School of Philosophy, Religion and the History of Science
University of Leeds, LS2 9JT
Email Web
British Academy Mid-Career Fellow, 2013-14, “British Muslims & the Hajj”
Project website
Twitter @LeedsUniHajjRes
New co-edited book, “Writing the City in British Asian Diasporas” (Routledge 2014),



Funding opportunities for full-time or part-time PhD study include the following:


* Up to two School of Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science Scholarships – UK/EU Fees + £14,000 Maintenance (Awards may be made on a rolling basis after 2 FEBRUARY 2015)

* Up to six White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities AHRC Studentships (Deadline 2 FEBRUARY 2015)

* Up to five University of Leeds 110th Anniversary Research Scholarships (Deadline: 18 FEBRUARY 2015)

* Up to two University of Leeds Research Scholarships (Deadline: 13 MARCH 2015)

* University of Leeds Endowed Research Scholarships (Deadline: 1 JUNE 2015)

* Two studentships on the AHRC-funded project “Scientific Realism and the Quantum”, starting 1 March 2015, and working with Dr Juha Saatsi and Prof. Steven French (Deadline: 1 DECEMBER 2014)


* University of Leeds International Research Scholarships – 18 in total (Deadline: 19 JANUARY 2015)

* China Scholarship Council-University of Leeds Awards – around 15 in total (Deadline: 2 JANUARY 2015)

* Up to two School of Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science Scholarships – £14,000 Maintenance + a contribution to fees equivalent to UK/EU Fees (Awards may be made from 2 FEBRUARY 2015).  N.B. This is a partial scholarship; to be eligible for consideration, applicants will be expected to demonstrate their ability to pay the remainder of their international fees (i.e. approx. £9000 p.a.).

Correspondence regarding the application procedure may be directed to **.

Those interested in applying are advised to contact potential supervisors at an early stage.  You should contact them by email, either directly or through the relevant postgraduate research tutor:

* Prof. Pekka Vayrynen for Philosophy (

* Dr Juha Saatsi for History and Philosophy of Science (

* Dr Jamie Dow for Applied Ethics (

* Dr Sean McLoughlin for Theology and Religious Studies (

You are invited to consider visiting Leeds, by arrangement, to meet potential supervisors and current students, attend seminars, and explore the university’s excellent resources.  Modest travel bursaries are available for such purposes.

You are also strongly encouraged to attend (in most cases following application) the university’s Postgraduate Open Day on Friday 6 February 2015, 11am-4pm (, when you will have opportunity to meet potential supervisors, current postgraduates, and the postgraduate team.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Chargé de diffusion scientifique (14 novembre 2014). Research Postgraduate Funding 2015-2016, School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds (Royaume-Uni) — PLUSIEURS LIMITES : 02/02/2015 (pour la première). IISMM. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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