Appel à communications : International Conference “World War I and the Non-Turkish Minorities in the Ottoman Empire : Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks”, New York (États-Unis), 21-22/05/2015 — LIMITE : 15/11/2014
The Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center (Graduate Center, City University of New York), The Asia Minor and Pontos Hellenic Research Center, and the Zoryan Institute invite submissions of manuscript abstracts for an upcoming conference entitled World War I and the Non-Turkish Minorities in the Ottoman Empire: Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks.
- Authors are asked to submit a manuscript abstract of 1000 words or less, not counting references.
- DEADLINE for SUBMISSION: November 15, 2014.
- EMAIL: Abstracts must be submitted by email to
- NOTIFICATION of ACCEPTANCE: January 15, 2014.
In this conference, we want to encourage individual and comparative case studies related to the experience of Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks, as well as a broader approach to their treatment in the Ottoman Empire in the years leading up to and including World War I, and its aftermath. Suggested subjects include but are not limited to the following:
- Pre-WWI military conflicts between Ottoman Turkey and its non-Muslim subjects.
- Turkey’s objectives in entering WWI on the side of the Central Powers.
- Religious and ethnic minorities in the Turkish military.
- The role of the military in the Young Turk policy of demographic engineering.
- The implementation of the civilian deportations and immigration from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus.
- Resistance and self-defense of Ottoman Turkey’s religious and ethnic minorities.
- The role of the Central Powers (Germany and Austria-Hungary).
- The role of the Allied Powers (France, Great Britain and Russia).
- The response of the United States throughout the 20th century.
- War as a cover for genocide.
- The aftermath: The Paris Peace Conference, the Treaty of Sèvres, the Greco-Turkish War, the population exchange between Turkey and Greece, and the Treaty of Lausanne.
- Denial of the Ottoman Genocides, 1914-2015.
Selection Guidelines:
Upon selection for presentation at the conference, authors will be required to submit a manuscript of not more than 40 double-spaced typewritten pages, including tables, appendices, and footnotes. Manuscripts are to follow the Chicago Manual of Style format. All Arabic, Armenian, Assyrian, Greek, Kurdish, Persian, and/or Turkish words must be transliterated in conformity with the Middle East Studies Association’s (MESA) style. The author is responsible for accuracy and consistency of transliteration and foreign word usage. Manuscripts must not have been published previously or be submitted simultaneously to any other conference or publication, and must be the original work of the author. After the conference, a selection of the papers will be compiled, edited and published as proceedings.
NOTE: Limited funding is available for travel and lodging. Participants whose papers are selected for publication will receive an honorarium.
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (9 octobre 2014). Appel à communications : International Conference “World War I and the Non-Turkish Minorities in the Ottoman Empire : Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks”, New York (États-Unis), 21-22/05/2015 — LIMITE : 15/11/2014. IISMM. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse