Assistant/Associate Professor in Comparative and International Education (relevant to educational reform in the Middle East), American University, Le Caire (Egypte) — LIMITE : 01/11/2014
Company Description:
Founded in 1919, AUC moved to a new 270-acre state-of-the-art campus in New Cairo in 2008. The University also operates in its historic downtown facilities, offering cultural events, graduate classes, and continuing education. Student housing is available in both downtown Zamalek and New Cairo. Among the premier universities in the region, AUC is Middle States accredited; its Engineering programs are accredited by ABET, its Chemistry program is accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry, and the Management program is accredited by AACSB. The AUC Libraries contain the largest English-language research collection in the region and are an active and integral part of the University’s pursuit of excellence in all academic and scholarly programs. AUC is an English-medium institution; eighty-five percent of the students are Egyptian and the rest include students from nearly ninety countries, principally from the Middle East, Africa and North America. Faculty salary and rank are based on qualifications and professional experience. All faculty receive generous benefits, from AUC tuition to access to research funding; expatriate faculty also receive relocation benefits including annual home leave, and tuition assistance for school age children.
Job Description:
The Graduate School of Education at the American University in Cairo welcomes applications for a tenure-track assistant/associate professor position in Comparative and International Education, with potential emphases in school or higher education leadership, development, policy, teaching and learning, economics of education, sociology of education, and/or educational research methods. Responsibilities for this position include teaching graduate level coursework, supervising master’s theses or alternatives, advising students, and conducting/publishing research that is relevant to educational reform in the Middle East, as well as relevant to the educational literature on a global level.
For more information about the School, visit GSE website:
Candidates must have a completed, earned doctorate and should have a strong teaching and research record in accordance with prior experience. A successful candidate needs to demonstrate Comparative and International Education expertise with past or potential interest in contributing extensively to educational reform in Egypt, the Middle East in general, and other developing countries.
Additional Information:
Deadline for applications is November 1, 2014.
Application Instructions:
All applicants must submit the following documents online:
a) a current C.V;
b) a letter of interest;
c) a statement of teaching philosophy;
d) a completed Personal Information Form
; e) at least three reference letters from referees familiar with your professional background sent directly to
Apply Here
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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (24 septembre 2014). Assistant/Associate Professor in Comparative and International Education (relevant to educational reform in the Middle East), American University, Le Caire (Egypte) — LIMITE : 01/11/2014. IISMM. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse