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Brunsma, David L., Iyall Smith, Keri E. & Frezzo, Mark (dir.), Dossier “Gender and Human Rights”, Societies Without Borders: Human Rights and the Social Sciences [en ligne], 2014, vol. 9, n°1

Societies Without Borders. Human Rights and the Social Sciences
Volume 9, Issue 1
Special Issue on Gender and Human Rights
Edited by David L. Brunsma, Keri E. Iyall Smith, and Mark Frezzo


MONICA L. MELTON, SPELMAN COLLEGE — African American Women, HIV/AIDS, and Human Rights in the US

BARRET KATUNA & DAVITA SILFEN GLASBERG, UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT — Rules vs. Rights? Social Control, Dignity, and the Right to Housing in the Shelter System

ROSEANNE NJIRU, UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT — Political Battles on Women’s Bodies: Post-Election Conflicts and Violence Against Women in Internally Displaced Persons Camps in Kenya

DANIELA JAUK, UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ — Insiderness, Outsiderness, and Situated Accessibility – How Women Activists Navigate UN’s Commission on the Status of Women

Notes From the Field

EMMI BEVENSEE, THE SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAINING — Transwomen, the Prison-Industrial Complex, and Human Rights: Neoliberalism and Trans-Resistance


Book Reviews

MANISHA DESAI, UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT — Review of Edges of Global Justice: The World Social Forum and Its “Others” by Janet M. Conway

ANNIE ISABEL FUKUSHIMA, RUTGERS UNIVERSITY — Review of The Anti-Slavery Project: From the Slave Trade to Human Trafficking by Joel Quirk

NICOLE FOX, BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY — Review of Forgotten Genocides: Oblivion, Denial, and Memory by Rene Lemarchand (Editor)

Film Review

BETH WILLIFORD, MANHATTANVILLE COLLEGE — Review of Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth Directed by Frauke Sandig and Eric Black

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (31 mai 2014). Brunsma, David L., Iyall Smith, Keri E. & Frezzo, Mark (dir.), Dossier “Gender and Human Rights”, Societies Without Borders: Human Rights and the Social Sciences [en ligne], 2014, vol. 9, n°1. IISMM. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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