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Coll., Dossier “Neo-Aramaic Dialects”, Aram Periodical, 2012, vol. 1 & 2, n°24


Volume 24, Number 1 (2012): Neo-Aramaic Dialects (Conference 2009):

Maciej Tomal (Jagiellonian University, Cracow) (Warsaw University, Warsaw)
“The Ṭūrōyo Perfect and NENA Perfects: a preliminary study.”

Roberta Borghero (University of Cambridge)
“Some phonological and morphological features of the Christian Neo‑Aramaic dialect of ʿAnkawa”

Alessandro Mengozzi (University of Turin)
“The contribution of early Christian vernacular poetry from northern Iraq to Neo-Aramaic dialectology: Preliminary remarks on the verbal system”

Shawqi Talia (Catholic University of America)
“Neo-aramaic proverbs of the plain of Nineveh (Northern Iraq): A “communal wisdom of a Christian community”

Nineb Lamassu (Firodil Institute-UK):
“What can the songs of the Assyrian mountaineers tell us about their composers?”

Olga Kapeliuk (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
“The Copula in Suletion with the Verb h-v-j in Standardized Urmi”

Marco Moriggi (Università degli Studi di Catania)
“Between Late Aramaic and Neo-Aramaic: Reflections on Some Phenomena in Aramaic of Late Antiquity

Michael Waltisberg, (Philis-Universität Marburg)
“Perspectives for a project investigating Turoyo syntax”

Ala’ A. Matti (University of Dohuk – Iraq)
“Body-Part Idioms in Syriac: A Pragmatic Study”

Martin Tamcke  (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
“The Literature of The So-called “Lutheran Nestorians”: First Observations”

Hezy Mutzafi (Tel Aviv University) & Matthew Morgenstern (University of Haifa)
“Sheikh Nejm’s Mandaic Glossary (DC 4) – An Unrecognised Source of Neo-Mandaic”

Volume 24, Numbers 2 (2012): Astrology in the Near East (Conference 2010):


Rosalind Park (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) with Mr. Bernard Eccles
“Dating the Dendara Zodiac – Egypt’s famous Greco-Roman ‘Zodiac’

Nicholas Campion (University of Wales Trinity Saint David)
“More on the Transmission of the Babylonian Zodiac to Greece: the case of the Nativity Omens and their Modern Legacy”

Meir Bar-Ilan (Bar-Ilan University)
“The Hebrew Book of Creation and the Syriac Treatise of Shem

Asia Haleem (University of London)
“The Iconography of Ancient Astronomy of Five Ancient neat Eastern Artefacts”

Emidio Vergani (Italy)
“Le destin et la liberté dans les Hymni contra Haereses 11-12 d’Éphrem”

Joan E. Taylor (King’s College London) with David Hay
“Astrology in Philo of Alexandria’s De Vita Contemplativa

Helen R. Jacobus (University of Manchester)
“The zodiac sign names in the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q318): features and questions”

Michał Gawlikowski (University of Warsaw)
“The Zodiac of the Bel Temple in Palmyra”

Pascale Linant de Bellefonds (CNRS, Nanterre) & Francois Villeneuve (Paris 1 University, and “Archéologie & Sciences de l’Antiquité”, Nanterre)
“The Zodiac reliefs on the frieze of the Nabataean-Roman temple) at Dharih (Jordan).”

Judith S. McKenzie, Andres T. Reyes, and Joseph A. Greene (University of Oxford)
“The Context of the Khirbet Et-Tannur Zodiac, Jordan.”

Osman Eravşar (Seljuk University-Turkey)
“Symbols Related to Astrology in Seljuk Art”

Daphna Arbel (University of British Columbia – Vancouver, Canada)
“Astrology and the Zodiac in Sefer Hekhalot: Social and ideological Functions?”

Nicholas Al-Jeloo (University of Sydney)
“Kaldāyūthā:  The Spar-Sammāné and Late Antique Syriac Astrology”

Ezio Albrile (CESMEO, Torino)
“Golden Years: The Iranian roots of Orphic Dodecaeteris”

Lihi Habas (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
“Perpetual geometric motifs and the cycle of the year in the churches of the Holy Land”




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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (25 avril 2014). Coll., Dossier “Neo-Aramaic Dialects”, Aram Periodical, 2012, vol. 1 & 2, n°24. IISMM. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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