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Appel à participation : International Summer School “Cultures, Migrations, Borders”, Plomari, Lesvos (Grèce), 07-19/07/2014  — LIMITE : 15/05/2014

The “University of the Aegean Summer Schools” are supported by the project «The University of the Aegean, the prominent and driving factor for the economic and social growth of the wide Aegean area» of the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning”, which is co-funded by European Union (European Social Fund) and National Resources.

Summer School-Foto-Varka Paratiritirio 

For final year undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. students, researchers and professionals in the social sciences

For the third year the Department of Social Anthropology and History of the University of the Aegean and the Institute of Migration and Ethnic Studies of the University of Amsterdam welcome applications for the Summer School ‘Cultures, Migrations, Borders’ that will take place on the island of Lesvos from 7 to 19 July, 2014.

The broader socioeconomic and political transformations in Africa and Asia have recently resulted in increased migration flows to Greece and, more generally, to Europe. Being at the crossroads of populations and cultures the islands of Eastern Aegean have served as one of the entry “gates” to Europe. In this context, and especially in connection to the current crisis, border crossings have become the focus of intense debates as they are intertwined with issues of culture and identity formation, the European Union and state policy, and constructions of ‘otherness’. By drawing on an increasing interest in the study of cultures, migrations and borders, our Summer School examines how migrations shape and are shaped by processes of boundary formation in a variety of cultural encounters.

The programme of the course is structured around four thematic axes:

a. Theoretical and methodological issues in the study of migration and borders.

b. Institutional and political aspects of the migratory condition.

c. People on the move: immigrant groups, refugees and host communities.

d. Cross-cultural encounters across borders and interactions of host/immigrant on the border.

Along with the seminars, the programme includes a number of fieldtrips. Participants will be given the opportunity to experience the reality of border crossing from Greece (Mytilene) to Turkey (Ayvalik), interact with citizens on the island assisting refugees, meet asylum seekers and discuss with descendants of refugees at the Museum of Refugee Memory.

While acquainting themselves with the reality of migration on an Aegean island, participants will develop research skills and learn how to place their findings within wider local and global processes. Doctoral students and researchers will also have the opportunity to present their work at the Reseach Seminar.

The Summer School includes the public screening of films on migration and border-crossing.

Please note that there will be several scholarships available for summer school participants. More information on scholarships at:  How to the Apply – Fees

                             Deadline for applications:  15 May 2014 

For enquiries please send e-mail to:

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (16 avril 2014). Appel à participation : International Summer School “Cultures, Migrations, Borders”, Plomari, Lesvos (Grèce), 07-19/07/2014  — LIMITE : 15/05/2014. IISMM. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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