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Full-time lectureship in Persian language teaching, University of Virginia (Etats-Unis) — LIMITE : URGENT

The University of Virginia’s Department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures invites applications for a full-time lectureship in Persian language teaching, beginning August 25, 2014. We are looking for a professional, skilled language instructor with particular competence in modern Persian and a serious commitment to teaching.

Applicants should have native or near-native fluency in both Persian and in English. This position requires an advanced degree (M.A. or Ph.D.) in: Persian language, literature, or linguistics; second language pedagogy; or a related field. Teaching responsibilities include first- and second-year language classes, as well as advanced language courses.

The teaching load is twelve to fifteen contact hours per week.

To apply, please complete a Candidate Profile online through Jobs@ UVA (, and electronically attach a current CV and a statement of teaching philosophy. In addition, please attach a sample syllabus for a first-year-level semester-long course where “other” document is indicated. Search on posting 0613840.

Three confidential letters of recommendation should be sent directly from the letter writers by email attachment to Professor Robert A. Hueckstedt, Chair, Persian Search Committee, at

Review of applications begins on April 30, 2014, and will continue until the position is filled.

Questions regarding this position should be directed to: Robert A. Hueckstedt (434) 243-8228,

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Chargé de diffusion scientifique (14 avril 2014). Full-time lectureship in Persian language teaching, University of Virginia (Etats-Unis) — LIMITE : URGENT. IISMM. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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