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Appel à communications : The Arab Uprising : Researching the Revolutions, Amman (Jordanie), 22-23/09/2014 — LIMITE : 18/04/2014

The Council for British Research in the Levant is pleased to open a call

for papers for a workshop to be held in Amman on 22 and 23 September,
2014 on the broad topic of the Arab Uprising. From the end of 2010, a
series of unexpected popular uprisings have spread across North Africa
and the Middle East. The dramatic unfolding of events has disrupted the
region in new and disturbing ways, including uprooting people both
internally and across borders, transforming existing migrants into
refugees and constraining the movement of mobile populations. Some
events, as in Egypt and Tunisia, have been largely peaceful, with
political transitions under the mediation of the army. Other events have
been brutal, with a witnessing of force of arms and violent suppression
of the opposition in Libya, and now also in Syria.  These diverse crises
have resulted in significant political turmoil, humanitarian
emergencies, and regional political crises as the burden of hosting
displaced people becomes overwhelming.
This workshop will provide a space for interested researchers pre and
post-doctoral to critically engage with the evolving contemporary crises
across the Middle East and North Africa focusing in particular on the
nature of popular uprisings and democratic transformation as well as the
challenges surrounding the mass displacement of people. Some of the
conceptual questions which might be addressed include:  what can we
generalise about recent changes across the region? How much national/
regional specificity is required? Do events since 2011 mark an end to
contentious notions about “Arab exceptionalism”, the persistence of
authoritarianism and the “Arab street”? What can we learn from these
events about “democratic transition” in the region? What can we learn
about the comparative experiences of Islamist, liberal and secular
radical currents? What issues of gender emerge from national and
regional developments? Methodological and ethical questions might also
be addressed and include:  how have the Arab uprisings been reported and
researched, and what are the implications for academic practice? What
methods are appropriate for data collection and analysis of mass
movements for change? How can researchers in the social sciences
mobilise insights from oral history and narrative methods in
understanding experiential aspects of the uprisings? Is there a place
for “action research”? What risks are acceptable for researchers during
episodes of conflict?
Please send proposed paper titles and abstracts of no more than 250
words to by April 30th. We will notify participants
whether their paper has been accepted by the end of May.
The conference fee is £100, with a discounted rate of £50 for student
participants. The fee will cover attendance at the conference, including
lunches during the conference and the conference dinner.
The CBRL is able to provide a limited number of travel and accommodation
bursaries for postgraduate student participants. If you would like to be
considered for a bursary please include this request when submitting
your abstract, together with a brief note confirming your current status.
CBRL Academic Arabic Programme
CBRL Arabic Bursary for post-doctoral resarchers
14-25 July 2014 at IFPO in Beirut, Lebanon
The CBRL Arabic Bursary comprises three elements:
  • i. the full cost of tuition fees for the CBRL Academic Arabic Programme at IFPO;
  • ii. the reimbursement of one economy class return airfare between the UK and Beirut, Lebanon, up to the limit of £600;
  • iii. an accommodation allowance of £650.
To be eligible for a bursary, applicants should:
  • (i) be holders of a PhD in the humanities, social sciences, or other relevant discipline; and
  • (ii) EITHER be employed at a UK higher education institution (on a full or part-time, permanent or temporary basis) OR hold a PhD from a UK higher education institution; and
  • (iii) be current members of the Council for British Research in the Levant.
For information about CBRL membership, visit
Application forms may be obtained from or directly from
the UK Administrative Secretary  The deadline for
receipt of bursary applications is 18 April 2014.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Chargé de diffusion scientifique (14 avril 2014). Appel à communications : The Arab Uprising : Researching the Revolutions, Amman (Jordanie), 22-23/09/2014 — LIMITE : 18/04/2014. IISMM. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

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