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Appel à communications : CFP: Mediterranean Connectivities, Mediterranean Seminar Spring Workshop, Los Anegeles (Etats-Unis), 03/05/2014 — LIMITE : 15/03/2014

Proposals are being accepted for the Mediterranean Seminar/ UC MRP Spring Workshop “Mediterranean Connectivities,” co-sponsored by the Spain-North Africa Project and held on 3 May 2014 in conjunction with the SNAP  symposium “Power Relations and Religious Communities in the Western Mediterranean” to be held on 2 May 2014 at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles California.

The Workshop will consist of discussion of three pre-circulated papers and a presentation by our featured scholar, Adam Sabra (History, University of California-Santa Barbara).

The Mediterranean Studies MRP invites proposals for workshop papers (articles or chapters in-progress, approx. 35 double-spaced pages) on the topic “Mediterranean Connectivities,” which may include works on Mediterranean methodologies or perspectives, or studies strongly informed by such. We seek papers in any relevant discipline, especially comparative or interdisciplinary work that uses the Mediterranean as a frame of analysis. Priority is given to faculty and graduate students from the UC system and collaborating institutions, but any North American-based scholars working on relevant material are encouraged to apply. (Scholars from further abroad are welcome to apply, but we cannot guarantee full travel support.) The Mediterranean Seminar/UCMRP will cover travel and lodging expenses for presenters.

The deadline for workshop proposals is 15 March 2014. Please submit an abstract (250-500 words) and two-page CV by this date to (subject line: Spring 2014 Workshop Abstract). Selected applicants are expected to submit a 35-page (maximum) double-spaced paper-in-progress for pre-circulation by 15 April. A Call for Participants will be sent out separately on 20 March 2014.

Workshop Presenters and Participants are encouraged to attend the SNAP symposium which will feature a workshop, a formal panel, and an “artifacts” discussion.  Participating scholars include scholars from the U.S., Canada, Turkey, and Japan:
•    Mohamad Ballan (University of Chicago)
•    Manuela Ceballos (Emory University)
•    Thomas Devaney (University of Rochester)
•    Mayte Green-Mercado (University of Michigan)
•    Huseyin Gungor Sahin (University of Ankara, Turkey)
•    Josie Hendrickson (University of Alberta)
•    Yoshi Ito (Tokyo University of Science)
•    Gil Klein (Loyola Marymount University)
•    Sasha Pack (SUNY-Buffalo)
•    Karen Pinto (Gettysburg College)
and others.
For a full program, see the SNAP website.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Chargé de diffusion scientifique (21 février 2014). Appel à communications : CFP: Mediterranean Connectivities, Mediterranean Seminar Spring Workshop, Los Anegeles (Etats-Unis), 03/05/2014 — LIMITE : 15/03/2014. IISMM. Consulté le 6 février 2025 à l’adresse

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